Natalie Guevara, Senior, Varsity Girl’s Soccer
We build our community by being very supportive of each other, we constantly cheer each other on at practice. At every game, we give high fives to everyone on the team. I think high-fives are a fun way to get people pumped up and to show support for each other. We also like to do team bonding by sometimes going to someone’s house to have a potluck, to play some games, or even go on hikes.

Jordan Bryce, Senior, Varsity Boys Soccer
Honestly, showing respect to everyone. I feel like when everyone shows respect, everyone bonds and falls in line. I think every sport does team bonding, but for us most of the players have already played with each other, and some of us have been playing with each other for years. So a lot of our community and chemistry is built off of years of prior bonds. For me, I played with most of the team since my sophomore year so I was already cool with them. Sometimes we go to Salt Creek and put in extra work for soccer together.

Diego Figueroa, Senior, Varsity Boys Basketball
I always preach that we always have each other’s backs when we play. Basketball is like a second family or a brotherhood. I try to encourage them and pass on my energy. I hope they receive the positive energy I put out and they see that it’s all out of love. I’m always trying to help them improve by giving them constructive criticism. Telling them when they’re doing good helps to encourage everyone and build them up. Once all our cylinders are firing and we’re all on the same page with a positive mindset we’re an unbeatable team

Izabella Kovar, Senior, Varsity Girls Water Polo
I encourage my team to be kind to one another and always work together as a team and be friends before teammates. We always think about each other, listen to each other and are not rude or yell. Giving constructive criticism to people who are newer to the sport, promotes a community of support. We model by example by taking each piece of advice we receive with humility.