Stepping off the subway train at my exit, I exhaled a breath of relief, finally being liberated from the jammed-up vehicle that enveloped me like sardines in a can. I clenched my phone tightly in my hands, with my eyes darting towards the signs overhead. Full of eagerness, I find my way to the exit, my footsteps getting lighter.
I walked up the stairs to my exit, only to be gently greeted by the elegant beauty of the cherry blossoms, bursting in pink and white. The breeze caressed my hair, and countless petals danced along the gentle rhythm of the wind. This was a sight I had long awaited for four years.
I wandered around before a familiar voice cut through the bustling street, hollering my name. As the clock restlessly counted down our scheduled hangout, my gaze was locked on my middle school friend—who I hadn’t seen for the longest time after moving back to California. The distance between us was closing up, and each step I took surged with more adrenaline.
After exchanging our greetings, I found it compelling how we immediately and effortlessly slipped back into our conversations, as if we had never left it in the first place. The conversation and our interactions were more serene and calming than I assumed them to be. As much as I was excited to see her, I was more captured by our common tranquil reactions and heartwarming interaction.
It is worth noting that behavioral changes and maturing are not one-sided experiences. I observed that both of us were evolving in personal and distinct ways, not to mention that we come from different backgrounds. As our conversation was gradually unfolding, it was intriguing to witness the ways in which our individual growth intersected and diverged.
Instinctually, like two peas in a pod, we shared our utmost valuable time by venturing into the dainty and uniquely themed cafes, belting out our favorite tracks and indulging in retail therapy in the street-side stores. Immersed in the moment, I lost track of the money spent, investing it in the moments shared with my long-distance friend, which hold immeasurable value.
Time slipped away in a matter of a blink of an eye. Above all, parting ways left a lingering tinge of sadness as I reminisce back to my middle school years in Korea. You don’t fully understand the depth of your happiness and emotions within an experience until they begin to dim in your memories.
In a whirlwind, I skimmed past the four chapters in my book, each page reflecting personal growth and the new lessons I’ve learned—but I’m not sure if I rushed through it too quickly.
I can’t help but wonder if I’m rushing through my teenage years too hastily.
Have I overlooked any valuable lessons that could have shaped me any differently?
Life should not solely be focused on sprinting to the next destination, but rather on cherishing and savoring the moments. As we, as a society, eagerly move forward to our future, perhaps we could miss the beauty of the present—whether it be full of complexity or simplicity. So, maybe it’s our call to take a breath and find beauty in the journey, not just the destination.