Isaiah Benitez
BVH football player and junior Guillermo Smith poses with his rugby ball while sporting his club jersey. Smith’s passion for rugby has fueled his commitment to the generally unpopular sport.
BVH Junior Guillermo Smith recently began playing a sport that is not very familiar to most students on campus, rugby. Smith played his first game for the Old Mission Beach Athletic Club (OMBAC) rugby football club on March 9.
“I heard about it from a guy at my church, and it sounded really cool to do. I wanted to see if it could help me get better at football, so I played it. It has been a lot of fun,” Smith said.
Smith has been playing football since middle school. Recently, he has been preparing in the off season for BVHs varsity football team as defensive end. Trying out for rugby has brought him a new interest while also supporting his performance as a football player.
“Rugby and football from an outsider’s perspective are really similar in terms of the principle of the game. I have seen [Smith] do some really good passes and get some good tackles. That is how I feel rugby could correlate [to football],” junior Michelle MacGaffey said.
MacGaffey along with Smith’s other friend, junior Wyatt Schneidau has gotten to see Smith playing in various rugby matches since his start in early March. Smith expresses that during his short time playing the sport he has already greatly improved his fitness, physicality and football skills.
“I play lock, which I guess you can say is the supporting team. I’m still learning the positions, but it’s been a lot of fun playing different positions. [My coaches] have just kind of put me all over the place to see what I’m good at,” Smith said.
Smith’s father, Brett Smith has gotten to see G. Smith transfer his skills from football over into Rugby. While G. Smith is learning the different field positions, his father has been learning the rules since the start of his son’s interest.
“[Playing rugby] was something we had originally talked about last summer. I didn’t know much about rugby [at the time]. I watched a few college games, but I did not know the rules and I’m still learning them,” B. Smith said.
Similar to B. Smith, Schneidau and MacGaffey also express their limited knowledge regarding rugby. Although it is a popular sport in California as a whole, it is not something that is found on BVHs campus.
“It’s definitely an interesting game to watch. Football is kind of basic, there’s the downs and plays but rugby, there’s scrums where they all gather up and are pushing into each other. Even just to throw the ball, they pick the guy up off the ground. It’s really it is fun to watch,” Schneidau said
As for G. Smith’s skill development, he has been able to take home a rugby ball and toss it around with friends and football teammates outside of the OMBAC rugby club practices. Bringing the ball to school has sparked numerous conversations with friends including Schneidau.
“He tells me his coach lent him a professional ball. He has a good connection with his coach, goes to all of the practices and works just as hard as anyone else. He’s a really hard worker and I would definitely say that he’s getting good,” Schneidau said.
Similar to Schneidau, MacGaffey feels that G. Smith has been enjoying rugby more than playing football in the past few weeks. As this new extracurricular begins to slowly consume his time, he is forced to simultaneously balance his school work, off-season football and rugby.
“He seems to be balancing [his sports and academics] well, off-season football does not seem to be too demanding right now. We are here to help support him if he gets overwhelmed. I hope that he sticks with rugby, it’s a good sport,” B. Smith said.
Joining rugby has been a very positive and welcoming experience for G. Smith. While the season continues to progress, G. Smith has many more practices and games to become acquainted with the sport and his team. Without the support of his teammates, coaches, friends and family, it would have been much harder for his passion to grow for the sport.
“I give credit to my teammates and coaches for helping me with where I’m at today with rugby. My teammates have been really supportive, they have been teaching me and have been there for me,” G. Smith said. “It’s a really cool opportunity to do something off campus and play a sport that isn’t as [well] known. I just wish it was at BVH.”