Task Force Candidates for class of 2025 discuss their involvement on campus and qualifications for running. Each candidate shares insight on their campaigning strategy as Election day approaches quickly. Elections for Task Force 2025 will be held virtually through Jupiter Grades on Aug. 9.
President Candidates:
Samantha Canseco

Crusader Staff: What Task Force position are you running for?
Samantha Canseco: President.
CS: Why did you decide to run for president?
SC: I have never been as involved as I wanted to in school because I had to work all of the past three years. I have never been to a dance [or] a game, and I wanna make sure everyone is welcomed. [Also by] making senior year as memorable as it can be. I know with my job I can raise a lot of money.
CS: Can you please describe the process of running or campaigning?
SC: I started doing posters so my schedule has been really busy, but it’s really fun. I know for the underclassman nobody really ran, but I think it is a really fun experience. It can be a little stressful, but the end result and process is really fun. You get to meet so many more people, and build your own confidence.
CS: It sounds like your job is very involved in your life, if it’s not too personal, do you mind sharing where you work?
SC: Yes, so I have two jobs right now. I work at a pizza place, it’s called Victorino’s Pizzeria. I [also] work at El Pollo Grill, it’s a Mexican restaurant.
CS: What is one way you are campaigning and reaching students?
SC: So far I have just done posters. I have made little frames so I can get people to take pictures with them and share who I am. Like I mentioned, I’m not as involved, so I’m not much [of] the popularity vote so far. Right now I am [selling] free candies and little treats to get people involved and intrigued in what I am doing. I do plan on maybe selling ice cream or giving away free ice cream and water just because of this heat and not everybody carries water. If I do end up winning this in the long run, I will have a lot of resources I can use to build our class funds because I have personal connections.
CS: You said that you haven’t been very involved previously, do you play any other roles on campus?
SC: I have been president of AVID club for the past two years, which I enjoy because I am a big college person. This year I joined ASB and I am part of [the] public relations commission. I really like that because I plan on minoring in communications in college, I want to be a teacher when I grow up. Right now, I am doing Task Force because I want to put myself out there and do what I can to end the year off great.
CS: If you were to be selected, how would you contribute to this year’s Task Force?
SC: I would definitely make sure everybody feels welcome to be a part of every event. I know with the fundraising I can raise lots of money for it, so I would probably make tickets cheaper for everybody like prom and grad night. That boosts the window for everybody to have that opportunity.
CS: Is there anything you want the students to know about you?
SC: I can be very outgoing and I am very welcoming. If I ever see anybody in the hallway, I might not know you guys but I would not give you bad looks, I would go say hi. If anybody started a conversation with me I would be intrigued in that and just continue it. I feel like I can be very welcoming and inclusive. I know a lot of people say I radiate positivity and I am a very hype person. I like making everybody feel happy and making sure everybody feels good.
CS: Is there anything you would like to add?
SC: Be slay and vote Sam all the way!
Briana Gutierrez

CS: What position are you running for?
Briana Gutierrez: I am running for president.
CS: Why did you decide to run for Task Force?
BG: I decided to run for Task Force because I ran last year as president and wanted to do it again. I was very dedicated and I am very responsible, I really want to be part in choosing and making decisions for our senior year.
CS: Can you describe the process of campaigning and running for Task Force?
BG: The process is very hard and difficult, it is a lot of work to do. When it comes to campaigning, it took me about a week before campaigning started to get everything ready, to get my shirts made, my capes made, and to figure out a theme that I want to base off on.
CS: What ways are you campaigning and reaching your students?
BG: I am campaigning through posters, shirts, Instagram and word of mouth.
CS: What do you hope to accomplish with campaigning?
BG: I hope to accomplish winning on Friday and everyone voting for Briana. I do have the most experience in Task Force.
CS: What other roles do you have on campus?
BG: I currently play two sports, field hockey and softball. I am also involved in other clubs on campus.
CS: If you were to be selected, how would you contribute to this year’s Task Force?
BG: If I were to be selected, I would contribute by planning homecoming and making it a great year for the seniors, including grad night, prom and baronial.
CS: What is something you want students to know?
BG: I want students to know that I am very dedicated to Task Force. As I showed last year, I donated a lot of stuff in order to make last year a success for our assembly, such as the MORP assembly and baronial assembly. I also want people to know that I do have experience and know what I am doing for the club, such as the do’s and don’ts when it comes to fundraising and everything.
Nathan Pyle

CS: What are you running for in Task Force?
Nathan Pyle: I am running for Task Force President, 2025.
CS: What made you want to run for Task Force?
NP: I decided to run for Task Force because I am both Key Club President and I already have experience in leadership positions. I am able to provide better fundraising for our class and overall create a better environment and better ideas.
CS: Can you describe the process of campaigning for this week and running?
NP: This week I spent over 100 dollars on flyers. I put the flyers everywhere and I am still going [to add more] later.
CS: Do you think you have put a lot of effort into this campaign?
NP: Most definitely. I have more big posters at home that I still have to make and it is just a lot. The only thing I have to worry about is taking them down because it is a lot.
CS: What is a way that you are campaigning and reaching out to students?
NP: I posted my [information] on Instagram and I have been reaching out to everyone through Instagram and multiple pages. I have gotten over 160 likes so far overall, so, I am pretty confident.
CS: What do you hope to accomplish with your campaigning?
NP: With my campaigning, I hope to reach out to people so people are more aware of who I am and the type of person I am. The posters that I make reflect on the type of person that I am and what I like, my hobbies and stuff like that.
CS: I know you mentioned it before, but what other roles do you play on campus, specifically which clubs and sports?
NP: I have played soccer for four years. I have been part of a lot of clubs. I reach out to many people, and I am Treasurer of Baron Business Society.
CS: If you were to be selected, how do you plan to contribute to your year’s Task Force, especially since it is your senior year?
NP: To contribute to my Task Force, I plan on making a lot of money through fundraising. I am the finance commissioner in ASB, so I already know how the whole fundraising thing works and how much money [needs] to be made. For Key Club, I have my own form and it is a really large international club, where it states how to fundraise manually, and is eighteen pages long. There are so many examples, I can just keep going.
CS: Do you think you are in a good position to become president because of your experience?
NP: Yeah, definitely. I think being president will definitely help me be able to communicate with my officers and do what has to be done. I also have a good relationship with [Jennifer] Ekstein, the current [2025 Task Force] Advisor. She is the advisor for both of my clubs that I am president in, so we have good communication.
CS: What is something you want students to know about you or about why you are campaigning?
NP: I want students to know that I am not doing this just because it is a joke, I am being for real about this. I love Bonita, I love the people. I am trying to make this school year the best it can be, and that is why I want to run.
CS : Is there anything else you would like to add?
NP: Vote for Nathan! Thank you.
Vice-president Candidate:
Isabelle Vandorn

CS: What position are you running for in Task Force?
Isabelle Vandorn: Vice-president.
CS: Why did you run for Task Force?
IV: I feel like it is really important to always find a way to be involved. Last year I was in ASB and I decided not to do it this year, I thought Task Force was the next best thing. It also gave me the ability [to] ensure a good year.
CS: Can you describe the process of running and campaigning?
IV: So you have to fill out a valet. You go through the ASB and fill out a packet and it shows why you want to run. You have to get people to claim that they will back you as well as two teachers. Then you have an informational meeting, afterwards you are free to campaign and it is up to you on how you want to run it. There are certain rules, but other then that it is pretty open.
CS: Can you go into detail about certain rules?
IV: You are not allowed to co-run with someone else, you are not allowed to repost other people’s campaign and there is a budget, I think it is 200 dollars you can not spend over that. So if you are going to make merch, buttons or posters, it has to fit within that budget. You can not be disrespectful and tear other candidates down, you have to maintain your own campaign.
CS: What strategies have you used to try to persuade others to vote for you?
IV: For me, I find the biggest thing is to interact with people. Obviously people are going to vote for people who they feel connected with, so I have made a lot of friends both these past couple months, but also yesterday just introducing myself to people and explaining why I wanted to run for Task Force. [Also] doing posters where people can take pictures and posting on social media and getting the word out.
CS: What do you hope to accomplish when campaigning?
IV: If I win I think that the biggest thing is creating an interactive senior year where everyone feels involved. In the past couple years it has been really cliquey and I feel like that is how it is for most grades. I want to bring the senior year class together so that they can enjoy their senior year, like a big family.
CS: When you say you want an interactive senior year, is it like having other students’ input on what the whole class does?
IV: Yes, definitely. I think that themes, even themes of dances is not as fun. Where as if you have a say and people are like ‘We want to do that”, then it becomes something that would get more participation.
CS: What other roles do you have on campus like clubs or sports?
IV: I am the President of Baron Business Society, I am in the Health Career Club and Baron Buddies. I also hold a role in Dogpound and I am cheer Captain as well. I [have] always been pretty intertwined in the school community, and I know it pretty well. I have a lot of leadership positions so I think I am pretty prepared for it.
CS: What is something you want students to know about yourself?
IV: I want students to know that I am definitely not unapproachable. If someone has a concern or wants to bring something up, they can talk to me or text me. I am a friendly person and again I just want to make this a beneficial year for everyone. So, if they want something, they should definitely use their voice to speak up more.
CS: Is there anything else you want to say?
IV: No, thank you.
Secretary Candidate:
Diego Montez

CS: What are you running for?
DM: I am running for secretary.
CM: Why did you decide to run for Task Force
DM: I decided to run for Task Force because I wanted to be more involved in my senior year of high school. I also heard that no one else was running so why not become the school’s secretary.
CS: Could you describe the process of running for secretary and competing this week?
DM: Since I am not running against anyone, I am not competing. But, if I were to compete then I would be putting posters in the hallways, and trying to get people to sign consent for me to run for secretary.
CS: What do you hope to accomplish when you become secretary?
DM: I hope to raise more money so that the seniors this year could have a good venue for prom and homecoming.
CS: Do you think your past experience with homecoming has influenced you?
DM: Yes for sure, last year for homecoming we had a good venue. Especially since last year the seniors started with less money and they gained a lot of money at the end, that really inspired me.
CS: What other roles do you partake in school?
DM: I am in ASB. We set up for lots of different events, so that is a big thing. I am also in Key Club and Dogpound where we set [up at] all the games and post all [of] the school spirit.
CS: What is something that you would want some students to know about you?
DM: There is no other option, and I am pretty cool. Also I would help raise lots of money for future events.
Treasurer Candidate:
Paulina Gutierrez

CS: What position are you running for in Task Force?
Paulina Gutierrez: I am running for treasurer.
CS: Why did you decide to run for Task Force?
PG: I decided to run for Task Force because I wanted to take on another club. I also wanted to become more involved in my community and handling money is something that I am good at.
CS: Can you describe the process of running and campaigning?
PG: Well at the beginning you have to fill out paperwork and get signatures from students as well as an Assistant Principal and a couple teachers. Other than that campaigning for the most part has just been fun.
CS: What are some ways that you have been campaigning and reaching out to students?
PG: I think for the most part social media is the most important thing and also making sure that you get your flyers in the main places where people go to. Like the 900 building where everyone has their math class, and by the restrooms.
CS: Can you explain if you have made posters, or what you have done to campaign?
PG: I made a flier on an app and I sent it out on social media for people to post it on their story. I printed out the same flier about 30 copies and taped it all over the school.
CS: What do you hope to accomplish if you are to be elected?
PG: I just want to make sure that Task Force this year is fundraising as much as possible. Like at every football game, every basketball game and wherever we can show up and sell, I want to be there.
CS: What other role do you have on campus?
PG: Right now I am involved in Dogpound and I did a year of ASB. I have kind of always been involved in the school culture.
CS: If you were to be selected how would you contribute to the school?
PG: I am really dedicated to my schedule. When it comes to showing up, selling and organizing things, I am there to do it.
CS: Is there anything else you would like to add?
PG: No, thank you.