Provided byJudith Prespo-Moreno
Club Blue finishes up the final movement of their field show "Rockstar" at the Chula Vista Tournament on Nov. 10.
The clock ticks down as Bonita Vista High’s (BVH) band Club Blue begins the third movement of their field show “Rockstar” on Dec. 9 at Chula Vista High School for the last time in the 2019-2020 season. They pace across the field, aligning to make circles and waves to represent the emotions of a rock star. As the final performance of the season and of some members’ high school careers, this was a very emotional field show for many of the members of Club Blue, and they ended the show in second place, with color guard claiming first.
“Everything building up to this [performance] finally hit me during our warm up. That energy built up inside, and I realized that no matter what happened afterwards, [this] was going to be a great run and define who we are,” field Drum Major and senior Jamie Martinez said.
For senior members of Club Blue, this will be their last field show in their high school career. Band members have expressed how they have reflected on their experience in Club Blue over the years at their final performance.
“It was kind of crazy, and it brought back memories of the last four years I have had in the program. I cried because we have traditions that we do before we go on the field. It felt good and I knew that we were going to do great,” Club Blue president, low brass section leader and senior Desiree Leeper said.
Similar to other members after a field show, Club Blue director Mark McCann reflected on his students’ performance and is proud of what they have accomplished.
“There’s a lot of emotional charge when you go out on the field. It’s always really wonderful to see the kids be awesome on the field, and I could see in the students faces that they felt great about it. I thought the show went really well,” McCann said.
The emotional charge was felt by many other members of the band as well. Some members reminisced on how Club Blue had impacted them, and how it has shaped their future.
“I almost cried three times having the band project towards me, hearing everything. Remembering what has happened to build up to this point really meant a lot. After the field show, it felt like ‘yeah, we just did that. It was my last field show in high school marching band,’” Martinez said.
Many members of Club Blue have expressed that the seniors who will soon be graduating have had a substantial impact on their life, including the director’s life.
“I’m going to miss the seniors. I really wish I had more years with them. I just got here last year, and even with only two years with them I feel like they have had a huge impact on my life. I love every one of them,” McCann said.
Even with the seniors leaving, members like trumpet player and junior Ethan Escamilla enjoyed the experience of the last field show with the seniors. He performed a solo in during the field show, and has described his experience in Club Blue overall as similar to being part of an extended family.
“You’re surrounded by the people you love, doing what you love. I was mad I messed up [during the performance], happy because I was with my second family, but sad that the seniors were leaving. I’m not ready to let [the seniors] go. I can’t imagine going to school without them,” Escamilla said.