“I personally [agree] because a certain number of people might have to get used to the later schedule because they’re used to waking up early. It’ll benefit the majority of people because they’ll get to sleep [more] and take a longer time to get ready and won’t be as tired.”

“I don’t like it. I personally think that if we start late, it [conditions] our brain to start [our day] late. In the future, I don’t think it’s gonna be good because we need early development and to start setting routines now so we learn what’s best for us and how to do things later on.”

I don’t like it. I enjoyed it two years ago when we started at 7 a.m and ended at 2:30 p.m. Because that way, if you had extracurriculars or anything happening after school, you would still have most of your day. I have Robotics and other clubs like Quiz Bowl that last till 4:30 p.m. And lately, it’s dark by the time I leave and it’s already sunset. But it has its benefits. I know many people who don’t get enough sleep and fall asleep in classes. So I think that’s definitely going to reduce that number. But overall, I’m an early bird, so I’m already doing things and getting ready before school starts.

“It doesn’t impact me as much as the [grades below me], but I [don’t agree] because it’s kind of problematic for people who have after-school events, extracurriculars and jobs. I myself am part of sports and stuff, so it’s [difficult] because some practices don’t start until 4:30 p.m. or 5 p.m. Just getting out of school and [heading to practice] could get draining.”