Brandon Giles
It has been observed by students that there has been a recent increase in the consumption of matcha from the influence of social media. 14.3% of students at BVH often purchase matcha products.
The popularity of boba, pearls made of tapioca powder, has increased the spread of Asian food, allowing matcha to follow suit in popularity. The increase of matcha popularity can be seen throughout popular social media platforms such as Tiktok, Instagram and Twitter.
According to Vivian Manning-Schaffel, a journalist and essayist, matcha is a green tea derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant that is finely grounded. Matcha holds a special place in Japanese culture as it helps boost metabolism as well as having a calming effect for consumers to aid in sleep and relaxation.
Social media users can see a recent increased rate of matcha usage and consumption. Content relating to matcha can be found on many social media platforms featuring ways to use matcha or foods and drinks consisting of it.
“Matcha Report 2021: Will Matcha Rule the Tea World?” written by Paroma Bhattacharya, states that the matcha tea market size is “expected to cross the U.S. $1 billion mark in 2020.” Matcha culture is projected to continue in growth as the demand from consumers increases. It can be commonly found in places such as schools, local cafes, ice cream shops, etc.
Bonita Vista High (BVH) is home to students who share an enjoyment of drinking matcha. Students such as senior Alexa Fakhimi discovered matcha and immediately found an interest in it.
“The first time I tried [matcha], I was actually on vacation, in Europe. [We went to a] really good coffee shop,” Fakhimi said. “I was really interested in this one matcha drink—I don’t remember the name [but]—I tried it and it tasted really interesting to me. I never tried something like that.”
Aside from providing consumers with a unique and distinct taste from coffee, matcha is known to have multiple health benefits for the human body. According to Healthline, a website providing the public with accurate health information, some of the benefits matcha provides are the protection of the liver, boost in brain function and prevention of cancer. Matcha includes nutrients like L-theanine and epigallocatechin-3-gallate—a type of catechin that has powerful anti-cancer properties, allowing positive health outcomes.
“I would encourage [people to drink matcha]. The way that [the] caffeine [in matcha] works [is calming]. I think it’s better [to drink matcha] throughout the day because you’re still energized without the jittery effect that coffee gives you,” Fakhimi said.
Matcha consumption is also known for resulting in healthier skin. It provides the benefits of glowing skin, the slowing down of aging, the controlling of acne and more. Be Beautiful In, a website providing users information from beauty experts, mentions that matcha has “137 times more antioxidants as compared to regular green tea.” These antioxidants help boost blood circulation in the skin, giving it a glow effect. Additionally, matcha contains methylxanthines, which help boost microcirculation in the skin, making it healthy and radiant.
“I had acne and [once] I started drinking [matcha], it helped me. It was [a better alternative] to drink [matcha] rather than [coffee] because I used to drink coffee a lot. [Matcha also] gives me energy because I feel good after drinking it,” junior Cierra Marrel said.
Matcha is usually made and mixed in a variety of drinks. However, it can be consumed in different forms such as ice cream, powder, cake and more. As the increase of matcha consumption is shown on social media, the increase of content for different ways to use matcha or create matcha flavored desserts and drinks follows.
“I’ve had matcha ice cream. That’s what I love the most actually. [But], the frappuccinos and the lattes are also really good,” junior Kassidy Wakefield said.
As the trend of matcha continues on, more people will become exposed to green tea which would allow a matcha loving community to grow. Matcha provides consumers opportunities to create new and exciting memories. Junior Azul Fernandez shares their memories of drinking matcha, as it became their favorite post-practice drink to look forward to.
“[My favorite memory of drinking matcha was] after [basketball] practice when I was with my teammates and we would gather every time at a boba shop [to] talk, [and] it was very fun,” Fernandez said.