Bonita wrecks Southwest High
BVH boys’ water polo wins against SWH, 20-1
Goalie and sophomore Troy Manaligod (1) grabs the ball and looks out to his teammates to see who he can pass it to. The game was on Oct. 20 against Southwest High School.
November 2, 2022
The game has a swift start as Bonita Vista High’s (BVH) boys’ water polo team takes the ball first from the opposing team to make a break for the goal. On Oct. 20, BVH boys’ varsity water polo team plays against Southwest High (SWH) at Southwestern College. The score between BVH and SWH was drastic, with BVH winning 20-1.
Each player has done a great job individually, each playing their part in being a team player by passing and always looking for their open teammates. As a team, they unite to bring the win home. BVH boys’ water polo has been practicing for hours after school to improve themselves after each game. The team swims laps, arm exercises with the ball and lots of passing practices to improve. “Play offs here we come,” said senior Daniel Haslett (12).
BVH boys’ water polo team is ready to conquer CIFS. To prepare, the team gets together before their games and bonds. The team goes on their own time to bond, allowing the boys to feel comfortable and trust each other.
“For today, I had a smoothie before the game and we all went to the plaza and did some stretches, warmed up our bodies [for the game],” Goalie and sophomore Troy Manaligod (1) said.
The boys’ water polo team mostly focuses on communication and working as a team to ensure winning their games.
“I did pretty good, trying to be a team player. I made one goal and had a couple of assists, but we won so that’s what matters,” sophomore Diego Castro (7) said.

During the first quarter, BVH kept their strength on the offensive side. There were two minor fouls during the first quarter, which resulted from the other team pushing BVHs player under water. SWH had been playing very aggressively after noticing how well BVH had started. Afterwards, BVH went on a streak and scored five goals, giving them the lead 5-0.
As the second quarter began, Manaligod went one-on-one with an opposing team member. SWH attempted to score a goal, but Manaligod caught it perfectly above his head before the ball went into the goal. By the end of the second quarter, the score is 12-0.
“Today, we did really good, I think the score was 16-1 [20-1]. I’m the goalie, they only scored one,” Manaligod said. “They scored one shot on me, I think I could’ve blocked that.”
The game progressed into the third quarter, with BVH having the lead of 12-0 while SWH sinked further into their loss. Another penalty was called on SWH when a player forcefully pushed a player from BVH underwater for a few seconds. Sophomore Alfredo Salceda (10) took the penalty and scored an amazing goal by allowing the ball to ricochet on the water and bounce into the goal.
The teams dive into the fourth quarter. BVH leads the game 15 points ahead of SWH. Haslett had contributed most of the goals of this game; he had been the one to score the last three goals of the game. The final score of the game was 20-1,a staggering win for BVH.
“Once we head to CIFs I think we definitely have to step up our game as our opponents get better but so far I think we’re playing pretty well,” Castro said.