the Crusader

Submit a Letter

The Crusader, serving the Bonita Vista High School community, is a public forum and welcomes your letters to the editor.

  • Be relevant: Discuss the story and stay on topic. Off-topic posts, especially promotional commercial messages, are not allowed.
  • Be respectful: Keep things civil. Avoid abusive or offensive language, threats, hate speech, libel, personal attacks and calls for violence. Please don’t make jokes about the misfortunes of others.
  • Be honest: Use your own name; don’t pose as another person. Don’t publish copyrighted material that belongs to someone else.
  • Be discreet: Don’t publish telephone numbers, addresses or other personal information about yourself or others.

Please keep your letters concise (150-250 words), establish your context for your letter early (name the writer and the specific story or opinion); tell us whether you appreciate, disapprove, agree, or disagree with our coverage (remembering to be respectful), or if you notice a need for correction.  Then discuss your position.  (For students, you would want to practice the “They Say/I Say” model for argumentative writing.)

Send your letter to either Opinion Editor, Antoinette Gilbert ([email protected]) or Paula Pichay ([email protected])

Your voice is important to us!

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