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The Student News Site of Bonita Vista High

the Crusader

The Student News Site of Bonita Vista High

the Crusader

The Student News Site of Bonita Vista High

the Crusader

Issue 1 – the Crusader


“A thousand points has always been the goal but I want a thousand and five hundred points”
Sports and clubs: Why do both?
Senior Isayah Luna, junior Aiden Cortes, junior Xylari Valdez, junior Riley Barrigan, sophomore Gabriel Martinez and junior Max Lewis are all in the multimedia classroom playing games on the computer and or working on work from other classes.
New college credit for students taking the CTE pathway
Cielo Muniz Sigala, Editor in Chief • March 18, 2025

On Feb. 19, Bonita Vista Television (BVTV) and Intro to Multimedia teacher Hugo Martinez sent out an email school wide, regarding the two new college credits opportunities given...

During the BVH staff safety training session on Feb. 7, Beginning art, advanced art and AP drawing teacher Nicolas Brunn demonstrates CPR techniques on a dummy, highlighting the importance of quick response in emergencies. The session also covered proper AED usage
and conducted clear room drills to ensure staff are prepared for various safety scenarios.
Building confidence: one compression at a time
Kaylah Campos, Features Editor • March 13, 2025

On Feb. 7, BVH staff gathered in the cafeteria for a safety training meeting focusing on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Automated External Defibrillator (AED) use and clear...

What has been the most remarkable memory you had with a student or class?
Cielo Muniz Sigala, Editor in Chief • March 18, 2025

  Hugo Martinez He/Him CTE Multimedia Teacher One moment that comes to mind is the first year I was teaching my BVTV class, they had several substitutes due to the fact that the main teacher transferred to a school...

Get to The Pointe (GTP) dancer and junior Luka Ayon tap dances at BVH's breaking ground ceremony held on Dec. 20. GTP's close community allows them to highlight the dancers' performances at special events.
Luka Ayon strives for the spotlight
Jasmine Vardeleon, CPS Editor • March 13, 2025

Demonstrating confidence, skill and talent on stage, BVH junior and Get to The Pointe (GTP) Dance Team member, Luka Ayon, has gained recognition over the past few months. Ayon has led the inspiration for young males to step outside...

A “major” battle for intellectual supremacy
A “major” battle for intellectual supremacy
Cielo Muniz Sigala, Editor in Chief • March 21, 2025

Over the past few decades, the concept of majoring or entering a STEM field has always been applauded for its rigorous coursework. The STEM field consists of many topics within...

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To what extent has the BVH learning environment been impacted by the recent resignations and transfers of administrators and teachers.

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Speech and Debate team shines in recent tournaments
Speech and Debate team shines in recent tournaments
Hailey Aquino, Staff Writer • March 3, 2025

On Feb. 8, Speech and Debate competitors had a highly successful launch at the Wolfpack Invitational, earning impressive results. Their strong performances secured advancement...