New spirit comes to BVH
Grade level presentation assembly held by principal Lee Romero
On Jan. 12 in the Bonita Vista High (BVH) gymnasium, BVH principal Lee Romero gets ready to hit a drum for a chant during a grade level presentation. Romero introduces himself using his new chant to the freshman.
January 21, 2023
Bonita Vista High (BVH)’s principal Lee Romero held four separate grade level presentations for the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior class in BVH’s gym on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 11 and Jan. 12. The presentations were the last 20 minutes of periods four and six on Wednesday and three and five on Thursday.
The following Friday, all grade levels went to BVH’s first assembly on the new football field. Associated Student Body (ASB) students and ASB Assistant Principal for student activities Patricia Perez provided assistance and hands to help set up.
“The purpose of the grade level presentations is for us to have a smaller, more intimate space to communicate and to relate to our students by grade level,” Perez said. “It gives us a smaller group of students that we can talk to when we have different messages and or different goals that we have as part of our vision.”
Earlier this year, Romero and the school organized grade level presentations during the October midterms. Since Romero has taken the permanent role of BVH’s principal, he has taken a liking towards the students and intends to continue to grow student voices, such as creating an Instagram account.
“That connection that you make with kids is important to me,” Romero said. “I was retired and they brought me back from retirement. I did it because the superintendent believes in me and they believe that I can come into the school and make some positive change. Because of that, I love it. I really am happy being here.”
According to Romero, one of the goals of organizing these separate grade level assemblies is to introduce the new principal to the students. Romero values “character building” and plans to do so through these twenty minute presentations.
“My hope is to make a connection with them so that they [know me]. This [is] the first time they got to meet me, as a principal. They’ve seen me walk around, but they haven’t really heard my voice or heard my messages. They never got an opportunity to really hear what I’m about.” Romero said.
For students, the grade level assemblies help them to get to know who BVH’s principal is. For example, ASB president and senior Jalieah Ruiz felt comfortable recommending Romero to wear the superman suit seen at the outside assembly.
“I always tell Mr. Romero that I wish he was here when our senior year first started. He’s a really good step in the right direction, especially with spirit and joining everyone together. He’s a great middle-man,” Ruiz said.
Ruiz and many other students benefit from Romero’s encouragement. Romero motivates students with finding the right way, otherwise known as the “Baron way”. Through the brief presentations, Romero encourages students to let out their voices more by making students stand from their seats and making the whole grade participate in school.
“It’s about doing the right thing. It’s about the Baron way, what is the Baron way. The Baron way is about being kind, working hard, doing well in school [and] being a good friend. That’s the message that I’m trying to convey to them,” Romero said.
Both Romero and Perez hope students gain new opportunities from the grade level presentation. Additionally, Perez finds the assemblies for all grade levels have a big impact on the school as each grade level gets to know their new principal on a different level while also showing their spirit.
“This is important because sometimes students don’t feel connected to their administration. And often they don’t know their principal or don’t feel comfortable interacting with their principal,” Perez said. “So, I think it’s important for building the relationship between the leader of the school and the student body which he leads in building a more cohesive school.”
Ruiz thinks that it is important for students for everyone to get on the same page meaning getting everyone connected according to Romero. Ruiz describes what she thinks makes it important for students to learn and gain from the grade level presentation.
“I expect at least a lot more unity with everyone else, which is nice. I think it’s something that everyone secretly wishes they had,” Ruiz said. “I’m hoping for a lot more spirit.”