One more buzz

BVH Quiz Bowl loses by 20 points against EHS

Anissa Barajas

On April 6, Bonita Vista High (BVH) went head to head with Eastlake High for a Quiz Bowl competition in BVH’s Library. BVH is seen preparing for the game, while passing out pencils and papers for them to write during the competition.

Tensions are high as the JV Quiz Bowl match comes to an end and members start to prepare for the varsity game to begin. Bonita Vista High’s (BVH) varsity Quiz Bowl played their fifth league game against their rival Eastlake High School (EHS) in competition for the North Division Title Outright on Apr. 6 at BVH’s library. 

There is silence as the mediator gives an introduction and asks each member from the teams to introduce themselves and answer an ice-breaking question. However, before answering the questions, each member from both teams must buzz in to make sure they have matched the correct number seat with the corresponding buzzer. Quiz Bowl Head Coach Joseph Szakovits shares his feelings prior to the match starting. 

“You don’t worry about things like this. If you’re going to worry and stress out about how things are going to go in Quiz Bowl, [then] you’re not doing it right,” Szakovits said. “Obviously, we want to win, so we made sure to come with a positive mindset and have fun.”

The match begins with the first toss-up question—the first question that either team can answer—EHS buzzes in first. Answering the toss-up correctly, the following three bonus questions go to EHS, giving them the lead of 30 points. EHS was quick to buzz in for the second toss-up, but gave the wrong answer, resulting in a five-point penalty. BVH had a chance to answer the toss up, but the answer was read out loud, so they moved on. Junior and varsity player Tai Cassel-Engen explains why BVH needs to work harder for the playoffs.

“We have a little bit of work to do for the playoffs,” Cassel-Engen said. “I would say it was a good effort. We almost came back and held our composure, especially in the end there. But all it is, is that we have to try harder for the playoffs.”

BVH starts to pick up more points during the fourth toss-up as they redeem themselves after EHS answers wrong. The score becomes 60-30 with BVH in the lead. With that, EHS called a timeout, and both BVH and EHS regrouped to talk about what to do next before the next round. 

“When we were on a good streak, I was feeling pretty confident. However, I think I was always worried. I could feel the nerves throughout the whole game,” starter and senior Diego Nava said. “I think we played really well. We work together as a team really well.”

After the timeout, BVH and EHS continue to bounce back and forward with toss-ups. During the 10th toss-up, BVH starts to answer the toss up’s that were missed in earlier rounds, with the score becoming 210-220. EHS starts to pick up the pace and by the 25th toss-up, the score becomes 280-360. With two more toss up questions left after the timeout, BVH answers both the toss-up’s which results in the final score of 340-360. 

“340-360, that’s [when] you know [that we were] pretty close neck and neck. It’s the end of the season. We played well, I mean, both [(BVH and EHS)] of us played well. It’s our last seasonal game,” Nava said. 

Although defeated with a loss, BVH still carries the number one seed, the playoff position. BVH  will go into the playoffs this Thursday on Apr. 13. BVH’s record is four wins and one loss, this game marking their first loss. On Thursday, they will be playing the team in the opposite league who has the lowest record of loss. 

“My hope is that we’ll be able to make it far in the playoffs. There’s always a lot of uncertainty with these games. You never quite know what you’re gonna get in terms of the questions,” Szakovits said. “There is a certain amount of luck and fortune that goes into it. I’m as confident as you can be.”