Teleported back in time

BVH boys’ varsity lacrosse play against alumni

Isabella Garcia

At the Bonita Vista High (BVH) stadium on March 18, the BVH boys’ varsity lacrosse team’s alumni game commences. 2018 Alum Billy Rose (2) attempts to shoot on Goalie and senior Adryen Locke.

Isabella Garcia, Sports Editor

On March 18, Bonita Vista High (BVH) boys’ varsity lacrosse team held their first annual boys’ lacrosse alumni game since the pandemic at BVH. Alumni from over the years returned to BVH, forming a team to play against the current team, beating them 10-9.

“Before COVID-19, we used to have an alumni game where the alumni would come back. It’s a fun weekend to keep Bonita Vista lacrosse alive,” boys’ varsity lacrosse head coach Peter Locke said. “There’s a lot of guys that played here, so we wanted to bring this back.”

As BVH boys’ lacrosse alumni and current players began to arrive at the stadium, they shared hugs, with smiles spreading across their faces. Some of the alumni showed up in college jerseys, while others in athletic clothes.

“Some of them play in men’s leagues and [at] college, but [for] most of them, this is the only time of year that they get to play a lacrosse game,” Locke said. “They’ll have a size advantage, but get tired. The younger guys won’t get tired as quickly so it should be a good game.”

The current boys’ lacrosse team wore their white uniforms, the alumni wore old, navy blue jerseys that were given out in order to appear professional in the game. In celebration of the game commencing, the players’ families and friends cheered in the stands. 

“Today is about having some fun, blowing off a little bit of steam from the season. After playing so many games competitively, it gives us a chance to decompress and get ready for league,” Locke said.

Although it was not an official game, the players were bound to play competitively to win the match. However, the game rules were more lenient and Locke was appointed as the referee in order to maintain fairness. Since a coach was not present for the alumni’s side, a few players led the team—one of them being boys’ lacrosse former captain, and 2018 alum Billy Rose (2).  

“I was excited. We’ve tried to get the alumni game going the past couple of years, but it’s never happened,” Rose said. “Finally getting it going out here, especially with the new stadium, it’s been cool.”

For Rose, the last time he saw his highschool teammates was over four years ago. Luckily, most of the alumni team was composed of players from his senior year. This event allowed him the opportunity to reconnect with them, while playing lacrosse together.

“We had a good team in senior year. A lot of them [are] here, so we figured we would win, but they have a good team this year,” Rose said. “They are a lot better than what I expected, new uniforms and everything. It looks like they have a good program and a lot of good talent on the team.”

Both of the team’s talent that Rose mentioned was shown throughout the game and through the score. To balance the two teams given the prowess of the younger team, Locke sent back-up goalie and freshman Zachary Hachley (26) to play with the alumni. Honors anatomy, physiology, Sports Med II, Health Career Intern teacher and BVH Athletic Trainer George Lafiguera was also a non-alum player on the alumni team.

“Lafiguera played lacrosse in high school and in college, so he comes out and plays every year. It’s fun for him as well as for the guys,” Locke said. “He’s a trainer for them helping them out with their injuries and then to see him come out to play with them is always enjoyable for them.”

Even though Lafiguera is not an alumni of BVH, he was treated as though he was. Senior midfielder and team captain Caden Ada-Tannehill (21) mentioned how he was looking forward to the game not only because of seeing the alumni, but to also play against Lafiguera—Ada-Tannehill’s favorite teacher. As both Lafiguera and Hackley joined the alumni team, the number of the team members were even. At the end of the match, the alumni team won 10-9. 

“I saw Billy, Jacob, Malakai, Santi, the Lockes and basically all of them [from previous years]. They’re all kids that were in the athletics programs here. As the athletic trainer, I had a bond with them when they were here, so it’s nice to see all of them,” Lafiguera said. 

The game was an enjoyable experience for the alumni that brought them back in time for a couple hours to play lacrosse and see familiar faces. The current BVH boys’ lacrosse team also benefited from the experience by sharing wisdom and knowledge, as well as a chance to enjoy a reuniting game. 

“We have an opportunity [today] to have a good time, because it can get too serious during the season. We want to win and [this game] is a good reminder that it’s not all about winning. It’s about having fun and having a good laugh,” Ada-Tannehill said.