Lockes in lacrosse

Father and three sons forge a bond through lacrosse

Bonita Vista High (BVH) boys’ varsity lacrosse head coach, Peter Locke Sr. and his three sons have been involved with lacrosse for over a decade. Lacrosse has allowed for the Locke family to bond, bringing them closer than ever through coaching, practicing and playing games over the years. 

“Initially, families we played football with, were like ‘Come out and play lacrosse’. They knew I was a [football] coach for a long time and they were like ‘We need someone to coach’,” P. Locke III said. “I coached first and second graders, spent time coaching with travel coaches and helping out.”

Locke III and his three sons; 18’ alum and oldest son Peter Locke IV, 21’ alum and middle son Justin Locke and varsity goalie, youngest son and senior Adyren Locke originally started off involved in football. All three brothers played football when they were younger and advanced to high school. Slowly, the family fell in love with lacrosse.

“I started learning more about the game and my boys really loved it. We committed to lacrosse. The South Bay Outlaws are our local team servicing all high schools in the South Bay,” P. Locke III said. “There’s no other youth lacrosse leagues around here. They needed help and support, so I gave my time to them and we moved on up to high school.”

Leading up to high school, the brothers played for the South Bay Outlaws while P. Locke III coached and became the president of the team, getting to travel and visit places like Maryland for tournaments. They primarily played football in the fall and in the spring they decided to join the BVH boys’ varsity lacrosse team as freshmen.

“As the years progressed, I started to favor lacrosse a lot more. I can get somewhere with lacrosse because of how competitive football is today. The transfer between football and lacrosse was definitely a big difference,” P. Locke IV said.

When P. Locke III’s sons began playing on the BVH boys’ varsity lacrosse team, he started as the assistant coach for the team and is now currently head coach. Not only did they support each other as they gravitated more towards lacrosse, but so did the brothers’ mom. 

“Our mom loves to watch us play any sport no matter what it is. She loves taking pictures and recording us on the field. My dad always loves coaching us, that’s why he is now the head coach for the [boys’ varsity] lacrosse team,” A. Locke said.

Throughout their lacrosse careers, each of the Locke brothers have been able to grow and improve while simultaneously working together. After P. Locke IV graduated from BVH he pursued lacrosse in college for Willmington and currently plays for a local men’s team. J. Locke additionally played lacrosse in college but instead for San Diego State University. 

“Peter was a good defensive player, so was Justin. When they were playing defense together, it was always ‘I did this, you did not do this’. They are two different style players,” P. Locke III said. “Peter was a more finessed defenseman, shot well and had good stick skills. Justin was more of ‘I’m going to take your arm off type player’. Adrian was always in the cage [goal].”

Back in high school, as a senior P. Locke IV played with J. Locke his sophomore year. A few years after he graduated, J. Locke was able to play with A. Locke. This year is currently A. Locke’s last year at BVH and though he expressed that he is sad, all three Locke brothers will have the opportunity to play with each other again at the BVH boys’ varsity lacrosse annual alumni game. 

“As brothers, we were able to talk to each other at home about how we play. We worked with each other and made a really good team when it came to playing on defense. We are able to shut down a lot of other teams and players that came our way,” P. Locke IV said.

The experience of playing with family has always been important to the brothers and P. Locke III. They continually motivate each other, striving to play at their best potential when practicing and playing together 

“[Playing with my family] is more motivating. I don’t want to let my brothers and dad down on the field. Making sure we win, I succeed and the team succeeds is important,” J. Locke said. 

Locke and A. Locke worked together communicating on the defensive side of the field. Trusting each other came a long way on and off the field for the brothers because it’s what made them successful together on defense. 

“I loved being able to play defense with my brother Justin. When everyone else got beat and there was a guy coming down to shoot, I always knew my brother Justin was there to protect me on the field and stop that shot,” A. Locke said. “Even when he wasn’t, I would be in the cage to  help him out and stop the guy.” 

Reflecting on A. Locke’s final year, he mentions how his brothers were vital to his success as a goalie. Both his brothers, especially P. Locke IV throughout the 2022-2023 season, have shown up to practice and helped warm him up on goal, keeping him sharp.

“They taught me a lot about lacrosse, though not as much as my dad. They always told me ‘You missed the ball by doing this’ or ‘You did not step towards the ball, that is how you missed it’ and they’ve always coached me on those little things,” A. Locke said. “My brother [Peter], knowing that he is a college level shooter, having him shoot on me all the time definitely helped me improve a lot, and having them always coach me.”