Task Force Candidates for class of 2026 discuss their involvement on campus and qualifications for running. Each candidate shares insight on their campaigning strategy and preparing for next year as Election day approaches quickly. Elections for Task Force 2026 will be held virtually through Jupiter Grades on Aug. 9.
President Candidates:
Patience Abiva

Crusader Staff: What position are you running for in Task Force?
Patience Abiva:“I am running for the president.
CS: Why are you running?
PA: I am running because I wanted to get more involved with the school and I think this is a perfect opportunity. I am not really involved in any other extracurricular activities right now. So I wanted to be able to take action, on my own accord.
CS: Can you describe the process of running and campaigning this week?
PA: It has been difficult because we did not have that much time to know in advance. So making the posters and candies to give out has been difficult with my school load, but it is definitely possible if you are dedicated enough.”
CS: What other roles do you have on campus?
PA: I am a part of the Samahan club and that is all for now.
CS: If you were to be selected, how do you plan to contribute to your year’s Task Force?
PA: I have a lot of fundraisers in mind, such as doing a bunch of events, like a sleepover in the gym and making people pay around twenty dollars for it.
CS: What is something you want students to know about yourself?
PA: I feel like I am a very dedicated person. If I am elected for this position I will give it my everything, especially since I am not involved in anything right now.”
Audrey Oani

CS: What position are you running for the Task Force?
Audrey Oani: I am currently running for Task Force 2026 President.
CS: Why did you decide to run for Task Force?
AO: I like to tell a lot of people that I am really passionate and really inspired by the lack of fundraising and the lack of financial ability we have for our year. I really wanted to make a change about that. It is a really important experience to have a good homecoming, a good prom and good baronial. Task Force is really the biggest contributor to that, and so I want to do all the fundraising that is possible in order to have those benefits. I know I already have a fundraising task with places like Chipotle, Blaze Pizza, Shaved Ice and more throughout the year that I hope to carry out.
CS: Can you describe the process of running for the position?
AO: I honestly think it is really exciting. I know a lot of my friends are running. I think it is really fun making and putting up posters. I spent this entire weekend running around, printing posters, printing fliers and formatting everything. Everything overall was just fun.
CS: What is a way you are campaigning and reaching students?
AO: Another thing that I did this weekend was I made a bunch of T-shirts for my friends. I printed out my slogan, “Vote for Audrey” the kind of things for my friends to wear around school. I plan on doing more handouts throughout the week. It is to get people to vote for me and I use social media a lot. I have been hanging up fliers in classrooms, and a bunch of posters everywhere. All that fun jazz.
CS: That is great. What do you hope to accomplish by campaigning?
AO: Since my biggest goal is fundraising, I hope to fundraise a lot of money for our year. Especially from the lack of fundraising we have had for the past two years. I am on the Speech and Debate team, so I am very able and not afraid to advocate for the school.
CS: What other roles or clubs are you a part of on campus?
AO: Currently I am Vice President of Debate, which is kind of my main focus. I am really delicate about it. I am also currently a part of Epic Club.
CS: If you were to be selected how would you contribute to this year’s Task Force?
OA: I already have a bunch of ideas for themed prom or baronial which I have been planning all year. I know a lot of people in our grade that I can speak to, to get a lot of public’s opinion for what we all really want as a whole. Another thing that I was talking about earlier was fundraising. That is another thing I want to accomplish. I already signed up to a bunch of fundraisers and plans with my friends cause we were really inspired by the lack of fundraising for our year.
CS: What is something that you want students to know about you or anything with campaigning?
OA: I think to make the responsible choice. Because I know and a lot of people know I am capable of actually taking action for our year, planning and also having that kind of initiative for our year. I definitely think I have that kind of initiative for president. Overall you know, just vote me for president
CS: Is there anything else that you would like to share?
OA: Vote Audrey Oani for 2026 President.
Maksim Komatina

CS: What Task Force position are you running for?
Maksim Komatina: I am running for the junior Task Force President.
CS: And what made you want to run for that?
MK: I personally wanted to run because I saw that our grade needed money. I wanted to have a great prom and a great year for 2026. I thought it would be a great opportunity for me.
CS: How are you promoting your campaign?
MK: I am promoting my campaign by setting up posters, QR codes around the school, and passing out my business cards. [This is] so people can see that my campaign is very good and that people should vote for me so we can raise money.
CS: What are your plans if you do win the campaign?
MK: My plans are to hopefully raise money by getting sponsored by some restaurants, maybe McDonald’s. Having partnerships so we can raise money for the school via food, like selling food and promotions, stuff like that.
CS: What do you hope to accomplish through this campaign?
MK: I hope that we can make money, that is the whole point of why I am running. Making money is the main goal, so this year, our grade specifically can have a great year, especially a great prom. That is what I am trying to achieve.
CS: Are there any challenges you are facing so far?
MK: No. I would say my greatest challenge is obviously my opponents. Other than that, I think everybody is on the right track. I am on the right track, I think so far I am doing well.
CS: What was the process like? Do you guys have meetings in relation to who is running?
MK: We do have some meetings, I actually was not there for one of the meetings. But we do discuss amongst each other, how we’re running, what we are running for and what we are going to do if we do make it.
CS: Is there anything else you would like to add?
MK: I just want people to know to vote for Maksim Komatina, and that we are going to have a great year if you vote for me. We will be able to make lots of money so we can have a great eleventh and twelfth grade.
Vice-president Candidates:
Isaac Rangel

Cs: What are you running for?
Issac Rangel: Vice-president.
CS: Why are you running for Task Force?
IR: I am doing Task Force because I am capable of doing the Vice President position. Last year I was treasurer for Task Force, and I did enjoy my time. Even though I did not do as many events as I was planning on because I was stressed out, this year I think I can do it, Since there are more people that are running for the position, I think that I can be successful around them.
CS: Can you describe the process of running and campaigning this week?
IR: First, you would have to fill out a form. It would ask for signatures from your class, your parents’ signature, the Vice President and two approvals from two of your teachers. Then for this week, we are trying to participate in the spirit activities that are happening because of our spirit week. We are also putting up posters that way we can be known, and we are also making flyers online, so that way people can post them and then other people can see them.
CS: What is a way you are personally campaigning and reaching students? Like you mentioned the flyers, what ways are you trying to campaign to get students to choose you.
IR: So what I am doing is, I did an online poster, and I posted it on my Instagram. I said that if anyone wants to repost it, they can repost it and tomorrow I am going to go ahead and bring glasses and candy [to] pass out. Another thing is that the people who are also running for the [same] positions of Task Force, they can not put up flyers for us [since] it is basically campaigning them.
CS: And what do you hope to accomplish with your campaigning.
IR: I that I have enough posters, and that people will reconsider voting for me. I just hope that the stuff that I wanted to do, I will accomplish it all this week, until the elections.
CS: And if you were to be selected, how do you plan to contribute to your year’s Task Force?
IR: If I was selected for vice president, their position is to listen to whatever the President does. So whoever is the President, I will obey and [ask] them, if they need help with anything. I can also cooperate with them and if people want to, let’s say for future events, like prom or dances I would [have them] come tell me [to] go ahead and set up organization for that.
CS: Besides running for Task Force, is there any other roles you play on campus, like clubs or sports?
IR: I used to be a part of Samahan [club] in freshman year, because my friends are running for it. I would always help them out if they needed it, and I also organized an organization for them.
CS: What is something you want students to know about yourself or why you are running?
IR: Well, something that I would want the Barons to know is that I am running because it is a second chance for me. Last year I did not do so well, and I want to show that I can do this again [in] a better position. I want to show school spirit, and make the class of 2026 very good for us.
CS: Is there anything else you would like to add?
IR: Vote Isaac Rangel for Class of 2026 Vice President.
Jaqueline Gonzalez

CS: What position are you running for in Task Force?
Jaqueline Gonzalez: I am running for Vice-president.
CS: Why are you running?
JG: I really want to help this school out and make schools events fun. Like making the dances and proms really fun for people, so they can have an experience they will not forget.
CS: Can you describe the process of running and campaigning this week?
JG: The process has been very hard since a lot of people are running for Vice President. But, I have been trying to make posters, giving out sunglasses to people and goodie-bags.
CS: What is a way that you have been campaigning and reaching out to the students?
JG: I have been giving candy out and glasses. I have also been putting posters up and posting a lot.
CS: What roles do you have here on campus?
JG: I am a part of the key club, but I want to join the sloths club this year.
CS: If you were to be selected, how do you plan to contribute to your year’s Task Force?
JG: If anyone had ideas or concerns about any events, I would get their ideas so their voices could be heard. [This is] because I want to make their high school experience good and fundraise a lot for school.
Susana Gonzalez

CS: What are you running for?
Susana Gonzalez: I am running for Vice-president.
CS: Why did you decide to run for Task Force?
SG: I decided to run because I wanted to get more involved with the school. I always thought it seemed fun to be in charge of the school dances. My best memories are from the school dances. I just want to let other people make those fun memories with their friends. I want to be involved in that.
CS: Can you describe the process of running and campaigning this week?
SG: It has been very stressful, I am not going to lie. I am already a social person, but I have to talk to more people and that is kind of out of my comfort zone. But it has been very fun to hang up posters. My friends have been very supportive.
CS: What is a way you are campaigning and reaching students?
SG: I am posting a lot on social media, because everybody is on there. I am also giving out candies, because who does not like candy? I put posters around school so my name can get out there.
CS: What do you have to accomplish with this campaign?
SG: I hope to get to be vice-president and supporting my school.
CS: Is there any other roles you play on the campus, like clubs or sports?
SG: I am doing peer counseling this year, and I am also a part of Baron Buddies. My freshman year, I did softball. Last year I did volleyball. [However], I am not doing those sports anymore.
CS: If you were to be selected, how do you plan to contribute to your year’s Task Force?
SG: I would want to raise as much money, since this year, we are probably not going to be that involved with the events yet. I want to raise enough money so that when we are in senior year, we can get the best venues and events for our school.
CS: What is something you want students to know, either about you or your campaign?
SG: I will try my best to support everyone, get everyone’s ideas, and have a fun year.
CS: Is there anything else you want to add?
SG: That is all.
Secretary Candidates:
Valentina Castruita

CS: What position are you running for?
Valentina Castruita: I am running for Secretary.
CS: Why did you decide to run for Task Force?
VC: Honestly, it was like on a whim [in] one class with a couple of my friends. But, it was something I talked to my dad about wanting to run for Task Force because for my college applications, I really want them to see that I had a leadership position. If I’m able to get secretary for Task Force of 2026, it shows that I am in a leadership position as well as doing other extracurriculars.
CS: Can you describe the process of running and campaigning?
VC: Yeah, it is definitely a lot. It is a lot of responsibilities. There are a lot of rules when campaigning, and I definitely wanted to create a lot of posters so that is what I did. I created a lot of posters and I have a good amount of flyers that I want to hang up in teacher’s rooms. But also just handing out things to other students, and getting to know them as well. Because obviously I want to get them to vote for me, but also it has been a good experience to get to know other people. Yeah that is the main thing, I am getting to know more people.
CS: What is a way you are campaigning and reaching out to students?
VC: One of the ways I am campaigning and reaching out to students is through social media. I have posted a few things about my position and asked people to repost. [I also asked] if they know who is running themselves, if not I can inform them on it too. I am also passing things out to students such as little chocolate pink coins because my color is pink for my campaign. I was going to pass out beaded necklaces and then have students wear these sunglasses that say, “Vote Vale” like my nickname, and going to take pictures with them. That is a couple ways how I am reaching out to students.
CS: What do you hope to accomplish with campaigning?
VC: I hope[for] people to vote for me on Friday, but also just getting to know more people and being more of a social person. I think I am in a little bit of a bubble right now because I am in Speech and Debate, and I have so much stuff. But, I am really getting out of my comfort zone this year and Task Force is something that is also helping with that.
CS: What roles do you have on campus? Like clubs and sports?
VC: Yeah, right now I am in Speech and Debate and have been [apart of] it since I was a freshman three years [ago]. I am also a part of Pickwick which is a book club and I am trying out for Girls’ Golf.
CS: If you were to be selected, how would you contribute to Task Force?
VC: I would make sure that we fundraise. I think that is one thing that Class of 2026 is really missing, I honestly think that we have less than 50 dollars. [Everything] is next year, and so one thing I really want to contribute is the fundraising, going out for food fairs to raise money so we could have a great senior year of 2026.
CS: What is something about you that you want students to know?
VC: I just want students to know that I am here to have fun but also be responsible. I will make sure to get the job done and get the money for us to have an amazing senior year class of 2026.
CS: Is there anything else you would like to add to conclude?
VC: I wish for everyone else who is running for Task Force good luck and vote Valentina for Secretary thank you!
Evin Guidry

CS: What position are you running for?
Evin Guidry: I am running for Secretary.
CS: Nice. So why did you decide to run for Task Force?
EG: Well I generally saw Task Force like a few years back, and I thought it was a cool way to fundraise for your own class. So, I thought I would try to participate to make our class have better future years and all our special events.
CS: Okay. Could you describe the process of running and campaigning for Task Force?
EG: For running, I generally made posters to put up around the school so people know I am running for Task Force for secretary. What was the other question?
CS: Just like the process of campaigning, how has it been?
EG: Oh, it has been alright. I have not gave anything out generally, but what I saw from other people–they are doing really creative stuff in order to promote their own position.
CS: Do you think you will be doing any of those creative things, like giving things out, or are you going to stick to the posters?
EG: I am going to stick to the posters, just to get my name out, not like to give anyone stuff…yeah, like bribing. But yeah, I will just keep putting up posters to get my name out–like, ‘Hey! I am running for secretary, vote for me!’
CS: Cool. Alright, so that kind of answers this question, but just in case there is something else, what is a way that you are campaigning and reaching students? If there is another way, if not, that is fine.
EG: Since social media is everywhere, I decided to promote myself on social media, telling people to put my name out for posting my stories to vote for me.
CS: Okay, cool. And what do you hope to accomplish by campaigning?
EG: I hope to accomplish more fundraising than last year by doing the events like football games, the food fair, all of that other stuff that will make people want to donate.
CS: What roles do you play on campus? Like what clubs are you a part of? Extracurriculars, sports, yeah.
EG: Oh, for like what I do? So I am going to try out for volleyball and baseball, even though they are in the same season. But I am probably going to do baseball if I make it. I am in Samahan club, and maybe I will try SLOTHS club, too.
CS: That is cool. Okay, if you were to be elected as secretary, how would you contribute to your Task Force?
EG: I would contribute to my Task Force by pushing everybody and saying ‘Hey! You should donate here because this is your class, so why not try making it the best years you can for high school?’ So, yeah. I will be trying to get my other officers to be more [involved] on campus so people can fundraise for our class.
CS: Perfect, and what sets you apart from other candidates that are running for your position?
EG: What sets me apart is I am a little goofy, so I will be a little funny, but I am also pretty serious about trying to fundraise for my campaign as a secretary. So, I am going to make things more fun, try to show people that I will be serious for campaigning for our own class.
CS: What is something you want students to know about yourself and your goals?
EG: Myself–I did not go to homecoming freshman year, so I missed out on that, but I saw the fundraising that all of these people did, so I want to push myself to do the exact same thing and possibly even better. So you should vote for me because I am trying to make high school one of the most memorable years of your life and try to campaign for all of the special events, too.
CS: Ok, finally, is there anything else that you would like to add?
EG: Nothing else, but to vote Evin Guidry for secretary for Task Force class of 2026!
Treasurer Candidate:
Aiden Oales

CS: What position are you running for for Task Force?
Aiden Oales: I am running for treasurer.
CS: Why did you decide to run for Task Force?
AO: I decided to run for Task Force because I wanted to get more involved in the community and our school. I feel like I would be a great help to Task Force and our fellow juniors here.
CS: Can you describe the process of running and campaigning for the Task Force?
AO: I know that a lot of the candidates are putting up their posters on the wall, but I recently posted myself on social media twice, saying to vote for me with some posters I made. A lot of my other friends are also running for other positions, [and] they have all been handing out candies to give to students to help them influence more votes.
CS: What is the way you are campaigning and reaching out to students?
AO: One way I am campaigning and reaching out to students is by mainly making both virtual and physical posters. As of right now, I am just making virtual posters for myself, and I posted all my social media accounts just to get myself out there. I also like to tell my friends about it, and have them tell their friends, and I know a lot of people here on campus, so I am able to get myself out there.
CS: What do you hope to accomplish with campaigning?
AO: With campaigning, I hope to accomplish getting a lot of the students’ attention. By doing that, I will also be able to allow myself to gain more votes to win the election.
CS: What other roles do you have on campus?
AO: I am currently the Historian and social media Manager of Samahan club, the Filipino culture club here on campus. I am also the Vice-President and the Co-Founder of our Bowling club. We are still in the process of establishing it. Then I am also running for the ASB, to be an athletics manager.
CS: If you were to be selected how would you contribute to this year’s Task Force?
AO: I would like to get myself involved with the president and vice president. I know they mainly run everything, and I would make sure to support them however I can. Some days I will have a lot of stuff to do for Task Force because for me, Task Force is a priority, we are representing the class of 2026 and I know how important that can be. So, I [am] willing to push everything else out of the way to help in whatever we need to do that could be like fundraisers. I will be making sure to at least provide assistance to the Task Force as inside or outside the officer [positions]. I will make sure to always work towards the juniors being able to gain more funds. I like to promote our school, our grade and everything. I have already told a lot of my co-workers about this too. I like to get ourselves out there known as the Bonita Vista Task Force to help gain popularity in the community and to also help funds and raise funds for anything that can come our way.
CS: What is something you want students to know about yourself?
AO: One thing I want students to know about myself is how much I love this school, because I love representing the Filipinos here. I know we are not really a majority, but I know that there are a few of us out here and I would love to help represent us. I am also going to be running for president some time next year, because I want to represent the Filipinos out there. I also like to get myself involved, both inside and outside of school. Like I said earlier, I have a job. I work for the County of San Diego Parks and Recreation. I go all around the county, helping the community, making sure people feel comfortable and welcome here in San Diego, because I work with a lot of tourists too. So I make sure that they have a great time. I love to make people feel like they are comfortable whenever they are around me. So, I would like to let others know about how much I really do love and care for other people and I would be willing to sacrifice whatever I have to help them.
CS: And then the last question, what is something that you would like to add?
AO: I have said this earlier already, but I do like to do as much as I can. For example, we just had a foreign exchange student program and I signed myself up. In the classroom, I am currently taking care of a Chinese student. Whenever an opportunity comes for me to be involved, I always take the opportunity. For example, with the foreign exchange program, I thought it would be a great experience to meet a stranger and get close to them. I am trying to have him teach me some Chinese which sounds a little funny, but I know I am just trying to gain more experience. So whenever an opportunity arises, I always jump towards it. That is mainly it for now.