A boost of encouragement
Basketball team heartened with new posters
The boys varsity volleyball team practice in the BVH gym. In the back shows one of the posters saying, “CRASH THE BOARDS”, in bolded letters.
December 5, 2019
‘Crash the boards’ ‘Communicate body language!’ ‘Get it and go!’ These phrases adorned the bright and eye-catching yellow posters on a Tuesday evening, plastered on the four surrounding walls of Bonita Vista High (BVH) gym. Drills are ongoing and these posters reflect the many focuses that Varsity Boys Basketball coach and AP US History teacher Don Dumas emphasizes for the team to sharpen their performance for the 2019-2020 season.
This is the first year that the team has had posters up, providing encouragement, during practice. To further focus the team, these posters will become a tradition for seasons to come.
In order to be hung, the posters had to be approved by the Associated Student Body (ASB) before being put up on the walls. After approval, Dumas asked students in the art department to design and create the posters.
“Everyday at practice, [the managers] put up posters that are points of emphasis for this season. They are factors that we want to focus on that will help [the team] win games,” Dumas said.
However, the posters are only applicable to the varsity boys’ team. According to Dumas, the posters that were created for the boy’s team, may not project the “points of emphasis” for the girl’s basketball team.
Dumas praises the purpose of the posters in that they encourage the varsity boys to improve their weaknesses during practice every day, to, ultimately, play better in the game.
“[The posters are] for the whole group to look at during practice to remind themselves of important factors to win our games this season,” Dumas said.