If the shoe fits

Students expressing their personality through their shoes

Provided by Lhani Cobarrubias

Sneaker art on a heel done by Junior Lhani Cobarrubias. Cobarrubias uses primarily cool toned colors on this shoe and uses a laptop to reference her inspiration of artwork done by Vincent Van Gogh, titled “ Self-Portrait.”

Steven Rojas, Staff Writer

From the classics Chuck Taylor Converse to the dark, edgier look of Doc Martens, shoes are viewed as a tell tale sign to one’s personality. The brand, the cleanliness, and the shoe’s popularity are all aspects that are to be considered when evaluating a pair of shoes. But students at Bonita Vista High (BVH) have redefined the status quo and gone as far as customizing their shoes to let their kicks speak volumes about their personality. 

Psychologist, Jeremy Dean, PhD, author of “How Your Shoes Reveal Your Personality” believes that specific styles of shoes have strong links to the wearer’s personality. 

“Anxiously attached people tend to wear shoes that look brand new,” Dean said. “Needy people want your approval and perhaps their shiny, new shoes are one way they hope to get it.”

Students such as junior Lhani Cobarrubias and senior Zoe King are just two of the many students at BVH that use their shoes to express themselves. By doing so they ensure that a crucial aspect of their personality is viewed how they want to be. Whether they go for specific brands of shoes or take their shoes aesthetic into their own hands through artistic customizations; they leave no room for error in their artistic expressions.

“My shoes represent my mood for the day. If I want to be like an angsty teenager, then I’ll wear my boots […] It just depends on the kind of expression that I’m trying to display that day or a specific mood I want to give off,” King said.

For those with a more artistic touch, being able to customize their sneakers means going beyond the material and moving to the paint. They look at their shoes as a canvas rather than just being made of canvas. Cobarrubias expresses that by transferring her artistic skills to her shoes, she is able to make a statement of both growth and determination.

“I started out with markers. but it didn’t go well so I actually painted over them later and that’s how it started. I wanted to see how I grew [artistically] and reflect on how I [personally] grew,” Cobarrubias said.

Dean agrees that it is good to practice caution when making assumptions as a style of shoe may be deceiving to what it means for their personality. 

“In general, people are pretty good at reading personality from shoes […] However the people in the study also made some consistent mistakes when trying to read personality from shoes,” Dean contrasted. “Colourful, bright shoes did not necessarily belong to extraverted people. Attractive shoes in good condition did not necessarily belong to conscientious people.” 

Overall, shoes are not only used as a fashion statement, but also as a statement of one’s personality. Being able to transfer their uniqueness to almost every facet of their life; it’s able to bring the spice of both creativity as well as accomplishment when customizing or accessorizing. To have such strong control over one’s self-image and expression is considered to be a truly powerful tool.

“I’m proud of what I’m able to do artistically, it makes me very proud that I’m able to do stuff that both myself and people enjoy. And I’m proud enough to wear it, you know,” Cobarrubias said.