Drama postpones first musical due to stay-at-home orders
The Drama department’s first musical, “Haphazardly Ever After,” was initially canceled for the 2020-2021 school year and later postponed for the 2021-2022 school year.
June 1, 2020
The Bonita Vista High (BVH) Drama Club was in the process of preparing a musical known as “Haphazardly Ever After,” but as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the health precautions put in place by San Diego County, English 10 Accelerated and Drama teacher Rosamaria Sias made the decision to postpone the musical to the 2020-2021 school year.
The announcement was made to Drama President Angelina Franco, Drama Vice President Dana Tween and Drama Secretary Charlsie Santana De Valdez through a video chat they had with Sias. According to Santana, “Sias first announced it to me, [Tween] and [Franco] on April 14 and she announced it to the class in the same week.”
Although it seemed bound to happen because of the circumstances, many Drama members were disappointed. The postponement of the musical wasn’t surprising considering the effect that COVID-19 had on other nationwide planned events. For most of the Drama students, this musical would have been their first time to ever be part of a cast in a musical and they postponed it because people can’t be near each other due to social distancing.
The musical involved the help of Sias’ friend and private teacher for Spring Valley, Piper Davis, as well as help from Advanced Choreography, PE Dance, Dance 1, Dance 2 and IB Dance teacher Christine Timmons.
“I’m heartbroken. We have to go about the recruitment process which we’ll be doing very carefully so that we have [everyone’s] assorted skill level to their correct role. I also feel heartbroken because we put so much time and work; even Timmons came and helped without getting paid. She did it out of the kindness of her heart,” Sias said.
Although the play is no longer taking place on May 8 and May 9 due to event shutdown orders from the Sweetwater Union High School District (SUHSD), Sias hopes that it can be held next school year with the support of returning Drama members.
“The [SUHSD] Superintendent Karen Janney, [Ed.D], sent out a message on what type of events should be canceled, and seeing as we were having the play at Bolles Theatre with 100+ people, it would be impossible to hold the play during these times. And students who are adamant and really enjoy rehearsals for the musical have expressed that they will want the same character next year,” Sias said.
Although this has heavily impacted the Drama department, several other Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) classes were also impacted by the news of the stay at home orders.
“I am so sad for the seniors in the Drama department and students in other VAPA classes who are not able to have their last shows and I can’t [imagine] how sad they are. It is really unfortunate that all of our hard work is [coming] to an end. The Drama Department and many other VAPA classes have been working really hard and many of us have to now stop what we love doing,” Tween said.
The cancellation has been especially disappointing to the seniors who may not have another chance for a while to do anything like this musical.
“I was honestly devastated. I have been heavily involved in the school plays since my first play three years ago, and this was supposed to be my final show for Drama since I’m a senior. It sucks that I won’t [end my] high school drama career with a musical,” Santana said.
The work put forth by the Drama department will continue next school year yet some members remain devastated by the musical’s cancellation. Many students who worked on the play feel as if this was unfair because they imagined a spectacular musical was going to be held with their fellow Drama members.
“We all worked so hard this year for it to be cut short. This was my fourth and final year, and it was a huge let down to me and most of our returning students who are seniors. Everyone that was working towards the musical put in 100 percent and finding out it was canceled hurt everyone,” Franco said.