Snack at a higher price
BVH’s ASB food prices adjust to current economic conditions
At Bonita Vista High (BVH) in front of the ASB building snacks are sold during lunch. Sophmore Paulina Iniguez (left) buys Cheezits and a water while senior Noah Caballero and senior Steven Perez (right) assist her.
On Feb. 1, Assistant Principal of Student Activities Patricia Perez released an email to the Bonita Vista High (BVH) staff informing them of new adjustments made in the Associated Student Body (ASB). There was a change of item prices in BVHs ASB two snack shops, otherwise known as the Snack Shack available during nutrition break and lunch and the after school store available after school. Each store is known to have different food items and prices.
Perez explains that the ASB was behind the adjustments of their prices, aligning with inflation seen in the nationwide economy. Perez hastily needed to find time for the ASB staff to sit down and meet before it was too late in the second semester.
“[Raising prices is] something I have been talking about with my account technicians, so she works on the inventory,” Perez said. “ As soon as we adjusted prices I asked [the ASB students] to post on Instagram and inform the students and I shared it with the staff via email.”
According to Perez, the ASB snack stores prices follow their vendor prices, whether it be from Costco, Smart and Final or any other store. She describes the ultimate goal of the ASB is to match what is currently happening in the economy and ensure the ASB is making profit for the school and keeping up with its needs.
“[We needed to] catch up to adjusting our prices, so that we are making money versus breaking even so we continue to fund the programs and the initiatives we are charged with and have the privilege to be coordinating,” Perez said.
ASB finance commissioner and junior Diego Dollero comments on the reactions he received from BVH students and staff. He recalls students being surprised to find a difference in price, but having positive reactions and continuing to buy their items. He encourages students to continue supporting the ASB and not think negatively of the new price adjustments.
“At the end of the day, we are raising our prices to make the profits that we need to help support things in our school, like sports and all the activities that go around here. It’s not that we increase the price to make more money for the ASB; everything goes straight back to the students,” Dollero said.
Perez explains that since the adjustments in price the sales have maintained their regular sales trends and that both new customers and regulars have been in and out of their store daily. She mentions that this consistency is a goal for the ASB as well as the continuation of growth in their fundraising.
“Sales have stayed the same. We have our regular customers who usually come in throughout the day. Day to day it fluctuates, even before we adjusted our prices. [Sales] depend on if it’s a Monday or if it’s a Friday so some days we get more [customers] than others,” Perez said. “I haven’t seen a recent drastic change that would impact sales. They have maintained the same and everyone has adjusted well.”
Perez explains that there weren’t any specific challenges in adjusting to the price changes but elaborates there is practice needed so ASB students can feel comfortable with the changes and inform customers of the adjustments made. ASB finance commissioner and sophomore Adelina Johnson describes her experience in adjusting to the change as she manages the snack stores.
“Personally, the math is a little harder now because before everything was one dollar and you would add up how many things they bought easily. Also, when the items changed to $1.50, some people didn’t have change with them and that also [could be] a problem,” Johnson said.
Perez comments on the plan she has for the future of BVH and its ASB department. She wants the ASB to bring a positive impact on students’ high school experiences and explains that to do so, BVH students should go out to ASB snack stores and support.
“Everything we make as the ASB is internally raised […] We pay so we can support our school. We purchase certifications for Baron of the Day internally,” Perez said. “We want to buy pom-poms for spirit assemblies and the kids always need materials. So all the big and small things, the list goes on and on. Every dollar helps so that we can continue to support [the school].”

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