My favorite memory of trick or treating was last year when I went with my mom because my whole family had COVID-19 except my mom, my grandma and I. We went trick or treating around my whole neighborhood with my grandma. I dressed up as Freddy Krueger, which is probably one of my favorite Halloween costumes I have dressed up as. My mom was Beetlejuice and my grandma was a witch.

My favorite memory I have of trick or treating was with my friends a couple of years ago. While we were going trick or treating, my friend had a plastic sword for his Halloween costume and he hit a skeleton decoration with it. It made the skeleton move which scared my friends and I.

My favorite memory of trick or treating was in freshman year when I went with my closest volleyball friends near one of their houses before [my friend] left for Temecula. We just walked around the neighborhood and scared little kids. I dressed up as Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle and my other friends were a ghost, an angel and a lion.

My funniest memory of trick or treating was when I was around maybe six years old and we were at a house with those motion-activated Halloween decorations. I got scared because it was holding candy and it jumped and I threw a rock at it and everyone started laughing at me. That is one of my funniest and most memorable experiences while trick or treating.