The coach will tell us what hairstyle to do, usually it is half up half down, a slicked back ponytail or braids. For the month of October we are wearing a pink bow for breast cancer awareness month. We have to wear liners to every game and we are not allowed to wear jewelry and are always required to look presentable with makeup on and a smile.

I think with game day I definitely try to show as much baron gear as I possibly can. For my sport, it is a little bit different because sometimes I will have to improvise. I choose whether I want to wear a short sleeve or a lettermans jacket, but oftentimes, I do try to keep the baron spirit alive because I feel like that helps me connect with both my school and my team.

I will make myself stand out by wearing arm sleeves or some turf tape. Sometimes I will scrunch up my jersey in order to get a certain type of look. I try to showcase my quads when I am in my uniform by positioning my thigh pads higher up my legs. I’ll also scrunch up my socks to add personality.

Volleyball doesn’t allow much customization of our uniforms. I typically just braid my hair and I do not know what kind of shoes I wear because they are my older brother’s old basketball shoes.