“I’m pretty tech-savvy, so most of my lessons are online now, if any student is sick or can’t come to school they can still do the work online. I’ve always used technology, even before we had computers and before we had videocassette recorders or tape recorders. Using technology in the classroom makes me a better teacher and if you use it the right way, it can be an asset.”

“Over the years, my teaching style has changed mostly in the idea that now I know what I love to teach, so there’s more passion that reflects in my teaching. Before I didn’t know enough to put passion behind my lessons, but now I pick things that I know students will like, that have a message that I want to get across to students. It’s more about loving what you’re teaching, so that students will love what they’re learning.”

“After the pandemic, we started using Google Classroom because it helps me create presentations, explain assignments with examples and attach links to video tutorials so I use Google Classroom often. I would say that over time, I’ve evolved and developed my use of technology within my classes.

“When I came here twenty years ago, I didn’t have any way to show animations, YouTube videos or songs and there weren’t online grades. I even had my own website that I paid money for to put work online. Students also had no laptops, so it was all paperwork. Technology has taken us a long way and there’s just so many more tools that we have.”