First on-campus COVID-19 case reported

Centers for Disease Control

This is an illustration provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) depicting an ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. COVID-19 was deemed a pandemic as of March 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and has kept the majority of BVH students off campus since then.

Jennifer Dye and Carina Muniz

As of Dec. 3, Bonita Vista High (BVH) staff was notified by Assistant Principal Esther Wise that an individual within the BVH community had tested positive for COVID-19. This individual had been present on campus the day prior and administration is taking charge in ensuring the safety of students and staff cohorts allowed on campus. Due to privacy procedures, the administration is respecting the anonymity of the individual and is limited to what they can say about the person’s current status. BVH students have yet to receive a formal message from administration on this issue. 

“It is essential that we share what we can to ensure anyone that may have been in contact with the individual is aware of their potential exposure and can self-quarantine and monitor any illness,” Wise said in the message to BVH staff. 

Currently, BVH Nurse Paola Garcia is in contact with this individual and monitoring their status.  As of our initial brief, Garcia has been unavailable for comment. The story will be updated as we can interview important stakeholders. 

BVH administration, as well as public health officials, have decided that there is no immediate necessity to close down the school and its on-campus operations. Since receiving information about this positive case, the campus has been “cleaned and disinfected, as appropriate” and “has been deemed safe for occupancy.” 

However, Wise indicated in her message that all students and staff recently on-campus should “consider themselves as being potentially exposed” and should avoid coming on campus if they feel ill or have any symptoms within the next few days or weeks. 

“Anyone experiencing symptoms should self-isolate and contact your doctor. If you’re feeling ill, it is recommended that you separate from others in the home, wear a face mask, cover coughs and sneezes, clean hands and surfaces often, and avoid sharing personal items. It is important to monitor symptoms for potential worsening,” Wise wrote. 

Wise adds that she is currently working with the Sweetwater Union High School District’s health team, public health officials and the San Diego County Office of Education to further determine what procedures and protocols need to be followed in response to this situation.