SUHSD updates COVID-19 guidelines

Angelina Ruckman

Bonita Vista High (BVH) athlete Jordan Whitehead waits for her COVID-19 test results next to the weight room. Recently updated guidelines state that protocols for afterschool and extracurricular activity regarding COVID testing will be forthcoming in the wake an increase in cases.

Jaime Jazo

On August 16, Bonita Vista High (BVH) staff, parents and students received an email that informed them of the newly updated COVID-19 policies. For the time being, it remains unknown when these policies will take effect. 

SUHSD reasoned that the guidelines were modified due to the increase in positive COVID-19 cases among students and staff. Additionally, SUHSD mentioned that they are following local and state health protocol. In the email, there were a total of six specified rules.

  1. Symptomatic Students Must Stay Home. Students may return with a COVID Negative PCR test after no fever for 24 hours and improved symptoms. 
  2. Students that are COVID Positive MUST stay home.
  3.  Quarantine protocols for Asymptomatic Close Contacts have been modified. Students who remain in in- person instruction must present COVID Negative Test Results to the Nurse every 3-4 days during quarantine or will not be allowed to remain in in-person instruction.
  4. COVID Testing: Updates on testing requirements for extracurricular activities and recommended site wide testing forthcoming. 
  5. Based on the Governor’s order, guidance on implementation of staff vaccination or testing requirements will be forthcoming.
  6.  Guidance on AB 104: New information about students who want to modify a grade received during COVID with a pass or no pass. Forms are Due on Monday, August 16th.

Assistant Principal Esther Wise stated that BVH administration receives updates every Friday from the Sweetwater Union High School District providing them new information, such as when these policies will be enforced. 

“What I’m doing [with] a lot of these updates [is] copying the whole thing and sending it out through Jupiter to our students and staff. The district is sending [the updates] to your student email, but I know a lot of our students check Jupiter. I’m just hoping that whatever [changes are made are] clear,” Wise said. 

Wise stated that challenges have already started to arise from the implementation of these policies. From unchecked emails, to confusion, to endless phone calls and staff contracting COVID-19, the adoption of these policies has been tumultuous.

“Sometimes not everybody understands things as they’re reading them because [COVID-19 guidelines are] not a topic that they’re familiar with. From there you generate a lot of phone calls [from parents] to double check [the information], [which leads to an] overflow of calls. These are challenges, but they’re good challenges because a lot of the people that are calling are trying to get the information.” 

In terms of the future, Wise hopes that BVH throws a massive celebration, commemorating the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to celebrate the resistance and accomplishments of the students, “I want us to have a big party and celebrate,” Wise said, tearing up. 

“There’s just so much going on that really needs to be celebrated. I think students are now developing friendships that are a little more special than they ever were before. [Students are] even getting involved more in school than they ever were,” Wise said. “We [BVH community] have missed school, we missed that life so much before. We should have a big celebration where we celebrate our students, our parents, our teachers, everybody.”