The minds behind homecoming
A look into the lives of ASB members during homecoming assembly week
On Friday, Sept. 17, ASB held their first outdoor homecoming assembly. After a week of preparation, ASB members carry out their carefully planned itinerary.
October 12, 2021
During the third week of September, Bonita Vista High’s (BVH) Associated Student Body (ASB) coordinated a spirit week in celebration of homecoming. Throughout this week, they coordinated BVH’s very own homecoming football game and its first outdoor assembly.
Arriving to school at 5:45 a.m., ASB commissioners were busy decorating the campus with streamers and balloons. The ASB members who were excused to leave early from their fourth period prepared games for the spirit activities during lunch, and during that week, ASB stayed after school to rehearse for the halftime show.
“Doing this type of work everyday was exhausting and challenging, especially combined with the fact that we had homework too,” Public Relations Commissioner and senior Lourdes Castruita said.
Paired with a packed schedule, Friday, Oct. 17 was ASB’s longest and busiest day according to ASB Secretary and Senior Samantha Bianes. At the break of dawn, ASB commissioners finished setting up for the assembly. But the time for work wasn’t over, they then spent the rest of the day setting up for the food fair, cleaning the field and decorating the football stadium.
“While this does not seem like a lot, a majority of our ASB members spent the entire day from 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. working,” Bianes said.
With different positions came different tasks and with different tasks came different challenges. ASB Vice President and senior Michael Dimapilis was responsible for helping ASB President and senior Jasmine Huerta plan the itinerary and figure out the appearance of the assembly stage. He expressed that he experienced stressed feelings due to the pressure of coming up with these preparations.
“Planning out the assembly with the itinerary and how it will look in terms of decorative pieces and the backdrop was the most challenging aspect,” Dimapilis said.
Alongside their tasks, the members also had academic responsibilities, including in-class projects and homework. According to Bianes, ASB advisor Chris Alvarez is a firm believer that education should come first, then ASB tasks.
“Missing class wasn’t something that was common, but there were a few times where we had to leave early or with our teacher’s permission, miss some parts of class,” Bianes said.
Though homecoming week was long and stressful, ASB members maintained a positive attitude and worked together as a team to complete their responsibilities.
“ASB has a very close bond, although it was a tough week, we all had lots of fun since we enjoyed being in each other’s presence,” Bianes said.