Homecoming comes to students’ homes

2020-2021 Homecoming occurred virtually during the pandemic

Provided by Amari Adrianzen

Bonita Vista High (BVH) 2021 Homecoming King, Frankie Javier and Homecoming Queen, Madison Bianes pose for the camera in front of the Color Guard. Standing at the end of the red carpet, Javier and Bianes were announced as the King and Queen at a football game.

Grace Na, Staff Writer

Before the pandemic struck Bonita Vista High’s (BVH) campus, students had the option of hearing the homecoming king and queen be announced during the halftime show at a football game. After the marching band’s performance and dance finale in the center of the field, the Associated Student Body (ASB) would then take the stage. The entire homecoming court would line up while the crowd eagerly waited to hear the fated student’s name so that they may be crowned king and queen.

While this was the norm, current COVID-19 restrictions make it difficult for many of these traditional school activities to happen. This year the ASB has created a different Homecoming experience for all grades to attend that complied with COVID-19 safety precautions.

“This year was definitely something that I wasn’t expecting, that’s for sure. I feel like we’ve done the best with what we can do. But overall, it’s [certainly] something different and  unconventional compared to [previous] years,” ASB President Nicole Hill said.

Not only has it been hard for students during distance learning, the ASB also faced a difficult time planning out events and finding ways to make sure students could stay safe while participating in them. 

“We [ASB] had to adjust to a new way of learning [while] making our information [public] and [using] creative outlets [to promote] school spirit,” ASB Advisor Christopher Alvarez said.

Senior, ASB Spirit Commissioner and Homecoming Princess Kesley Brito stated that Homecoming is not completely just a dance nor a game. Moreoso, she believes that the event is a part of what constitutes a valuable high school memory and a moment that most students dream of experiencing.

“Homecoming is a way to [revive] school spirit, considering the fact that Homecoming is always [during] the first semester in September [and] football season, [so] all that ‘hype’ is normally going on,” Brito said.

Although Brito was disappointed in not being able to attend Homecoming in-person, she was pleased with the ASB bringing back the activity this year. 

“Honestly, I’m totally fine with it, considering that we weren’t able to have [Homecoming] in person. I remember at the start of the year, I was disappointed that I wouldn’t get to [experience] that moment. Obviously I wish we had a dance and [activities], but now that we have something that brings back [the] energy, I’m really happy that we have [this alternative],” Brito said.

Bonita Vista High (BVH) 2021 Homecoming Prince, Edelina Bagaporo and Homecoming Princess, Kelsey Brito celebrate their win. Along with Javier and Bianes, they were announced as the prince and princess at the football game. (Provided by Amari Adrianzen)

Despite not being able to attend in-person, ASB has worked hard to prepare a safe and exciting Homecoming for students. However, according to Hill, Homecoming games and activities were in-person. Additionally, the entire event was recorded so that the students would be able to watch it virtually.

“The students have been [carrying out] homecoming court activities on campus. Usually it’s only a few of them participating in the activities or all of them participating [while] socially distanced. These activities include games and being in-person. [The activities] will be featured during the assembly [online],” Hill said.

Hill added that the voting process for electing the Homecoming prince and princess was the same, and there were not any challenges during the process.

“That’s one of the only things that has stayed the same because it’s through Jupiter grades which is something that we’ve [students] been familiar with,” Hill said. “So that part was actually the most simple of all.” 

According to senior and Homecoming Princess, Madison Bianes, the official court received a gift from the ASB. Most of the candidates received their gifts at home, however, for Bianes, she has claimed it on campus, as she was filming a spirit week activity.

“The ASB did an amazing job of making this year’s homecoming courts still feel really special like they have done in the past. This year, they gave us a little basket with candy, just like a little goodie basket. Then they gave [us a] sash that [has] your name and a crown as well,” Bianes said. 

Regardless of the event being challenging for ASB to prepare for it, they strived to make Homecoming as safe and fun as possible.

“I was kind of shocked when I found out that I made the court, but I was really excited because I’ve been looking at the homecoming court and all the cool things they did since my freshman year and I always thought it would be such a cool activity to be a part of,” Bianes said.