Hooking hobbies

With so many benefits to crocheting, students should participate in the hobby


So far, the only crocheting crafts I’ve produced are a neck warmer and a doily. Nonetheless, with the help of the Crocheting club and YouTube tutorials on crocheting, I am confident I will create many more crafts.

The yarn in my hand moves one way as my hand slips the hook in and out of the now-squared patch of fabric. Looking from afar, my craft looks more like a neck warmer than a beanie. Nonetheless, the only objective on my mind was: Get this beanie right. 

For nearly two months, my spare time has been spent mastering the art of crochet. However, my interest in the hobby started some six years ago. After realizing that school would not settle down enough to grant me time to learn how to crochet, I made my own time by completing homework as early as possible (it’s not like it only took me six years to finally make the time).

In time, I hope to complete a major project like crocheting my own clothes such as shirts and pants. Regardless, I will continue perfecting my crocheting skills, starting with my beanies.

— Carina Muniz

Crocheting has always been something that’s interested me, mainly because of its handiness as a skill, and partly because it was a skill my great-grandmother had. Carrying on that family skill makes me feel like I can honor my family in some way.

From beanies to blankets, and even to household items like dishcloths and coasters, crocheting is a practical and beneficial hobby to have. The great thing is, there are very few difficult techniques and materials needed to learn in order to become an expert crocheter. It’s simple really; once you get your hands on a hook, yarn and drive, you can complete any craft. 

Thankfully, at Bonita Vista High (BVH), I have a community of friends in the Crocheting Club who also partake in the hobby. Without them, I most definitely wouldn’t have been able to complete some of my own projects, like the neck warmer which was initially supposed to be a beanie.

Ultimately, crocheting is special to me because it is a way for me to de-stress when school becomes overwhelming. Unlike books, where after a while I forget the plot of the book, crocheting allows me to resume a project wherever and whenever I have time.

According to the All Free Crochet website in their article “7 (Surprising) Health Benefits of Crocheting,” some of the benefits of crocheting include helping with insomnia, reducing stress and anxiety, helping ease or relieve depression, reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s by 30 to 50 percent and even building self-esteem.

I am, by all means, no expert at crocheting, but I have no intentions of becoming one anytime soon. In less than three months, after I graduate from high school, I will have more than enough time to practice crocheting by working on other projects.

In time, I hope to complete a major project like crocheting my own clothes such as shirts and pants. Regardless, I will continue perfecting my crocheting skills, starting with my beanies. Most importantly, I will encourage students at BVH to give crocheting a try.