Words of the Wise
Assistant Principal Esther Wise leaves BVH after four years
Assistant Principal Esther Wise composes a Jupiter message for students and staff in her office at Bonita Vista high school on Monday April 17.
On April 12, Assistant Principal Esther Wise sent an email to Bonita Vista High (BVH)’s staff about her departure from BVH. Her last day will be on Wed. Apr. 19 and she will start her new job as Program Manager of Online Learning at the San Diego Unified District (SDUD) on []. After applying for multiple different positions, she received news of her new job at SDUD on April 11.
“I actually graduated from that district. I would say for it, it feels like I’m doing that hero’s journey where I’m returning back to my old district. I’m thankful for our district, but now I get to go and help out the school I graduated from and all these other schools,” Wise said.
Although she has been an AP for twelve years, including other schools such as Chula Vista Middle School (CVM) she claims BVH is “where her heart is.” She has stated BVH has become her “family.” In her time at BVH she has created connections with the entire staff, including Assistant Principal Jason Josafat.
“On behalf of BVH, we’re super happy for Mrs. Wise, but at the same time, we’re very sad because we’re missing a big part of our team,” Josafat said.
Josafat and Wise have worked together at different schools, including CVM. Josafat had first heard of Wise when they were teachers working in the same district in 2010 and they became AP’s together at CVM then BVH.
“Our staff is very kind and giving. That’s what I’m going to miss the most because our teachers really care about students,” Wise said. “Our Bonita teachers distinguish themselves from all the other schools I’ve been at where they really care.”
Wise will also miss the students who she runs into during the school day. Often, she recounts instances where students come up to her, updating her on colleges they got accepted into or scholarships they’re applying to.
“The assemblies are my favorite because I get to see our students out there, embracing the spirit of BVH. That’s the beautiful thing,” Wise said.
However, she looks forward to creating new relationships and connections at SDUD. Despite leaving BVH administration, Wise will continue to be part of the BVH community as a parent of two BVH students.
“That’s the only thing that makes it better. They’ll still be attending their sports and their activities. I’m still going to be involved as a parent,” Wise said.
Her experience at BVH and as an AP in her career has provided her important lessons that she will take with her to SDUD. As an AP, she was able to learn how to connect with students..
“It’s never going to be easy to discipline other people’s children, but when you come at it from the heart. I’m making those connections with parents if you’re discipling a student and taking from the heart and being real,” Wise said.
After her departure, Attendance Coordinator David Cobian, who has administrative experience, will be taking her office and responsibilities.
“Probably next year we’ll get a posting for Mrs. Wise’s position or sometime towards the end of the year. We’re not sure yet because he does the attendance coordinating, so that leaves empty spaces to fill,” Josafat said.
In the 2022-2023 school year, BVH witnessed former Principal Roman Del Rosario Ed.D, former Attendance Coordinator Antonio Gutierrez, former AP of Student Activities Christopher Alvarez and now Wise leave BVH. However, both Wise and Josafat note the support the administration has given each other through the changes.
“I’m happy for them. If you look at their new positions, they’re all promotions from what they become. We have had an amazing team, but when you do something really well, other places see that and then you get put into a position,” Josafat said. “The same things they’ve done for Bonita, they’re gonna do it for a larger number of students. They’re doing amazing things.”

This year, I am co-Editor-in-Chief for 2022-2023. I’m a senior and a second-year Crusader staff member. Last year, I enjoyed my time serving as...

I am a junior at Bonita Vista High and this is my first year on staff for the Crusader. This year I am a photographer. I became a member of the Crusader...