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The Student News Site of Bonita Vista High

the Crusader

The Student News Site of Bonita Vista High

the Crusader

The Student News Site of Bonita Vista High

the Crusader

Grace Na

Grace Na, Editor-in-Chief

As a senior and Editor-in-Chief of BVH’s the Crusader, I hope to guide the publication to continue publishing articles that have an impact on our community. This year, I am Editor-in-Chief, and previously was Managing Editor, Opinion Editor and Staff Writer. I find joy in the welcoming community that works hard to put out a quality publication, which is why I rejoined the staff. Moreover, I greatly value the role the Crusader plays in our community and the publication’s aim to advocate for under represented communities. Outside of the Crusader, I hold  leadership positions in both Junior Optimist and the Pickwick club; in addition, I compete with the BVHS’s Speech and Debate team.

Follow me on instagram @gracencrusader

All content by Grace Na
Reassurance on the road

Reassurance on the road

Grace Na, Editor-in-chief
April 26, 2024
BVH seniors Paulina Iniguez and Victoria Takaki (right) win first place in the Plant Sciences category at the Greater San Diego Science and Engineering Fair. As a result of winning first place, the duo are advancing to the California Science and Engineering Fair.

A unique and unexpected achievement

Grace Na, Editor-in-Chief
April 22, 2024
Find beauty in the journey

Find beauty in the journey

Grace Na, Editor-in-Chief
April 12, 2024
IB English HL 1 teacher Jason Good presents his weekly agenda to his students. Junior Ava Nixon listens to Good explaining their upcoming test.

Breaking the barrier

Grace Na, Editor-in-Chief
March 11, 2024
A twinkling presence

A twinkling presence

Grace Na, Editor-in-Chief
February 25, 2024
Embracing the tedious treasures in life

Embracing the tedious treasures in life

Grace Na, Editor-in-Chief
January 26, 2024
BVH senior, Dominik Latlip passed away on Dec. 11 due to a motorcycle collision. The following day, a memorial was held and a balloon release in Rohr Park on Dec. 15.

BVH mourns the death of a senior

Grace Na, Editor-in-Chief
January 22, 2024
Athletes Speak

Athletes Speak

Grace Na, Editor-In-Chief
November 27, 2023
An open mind for an open platform

An open mind for an open platform

Grace Na, Editor-in-Chief
November 21, 2023

A play in sportsmanship

Grace Na, Editor-in-Chief
September 24, 2023
Bonita Vista television (BVTV) producer and senior Uriel Lopez assists senior Carolyn Crane during their zero period Career and Technical Education (CTE) Virtual Production Honors program. The class is currently using Unreal Engine—an animating program—to created animated scenes, which is an assignment due on Sept. 22.

[Photo] Bring the future into reality

Valerie Torres, Managing Editor
September 21, 2023
Grace Na sets up goals for the year to organize her extracurriculars and schoolwork. With these in mind, she is able to balance her life and end up on the homecoming court.

Final year, final goals

Grace Na, Editor-in-chief
September 19, 2023
On Aug. 7, the closing ceremony started off with drinks and pizza handed off to the Japanese delegates. Once the Bonita Vista High (BVH) student hosts got their pizza, they were given the time to bond and eat before the delegates received certificates for the completion of their studying abroad program.

[Photo] Time to say goodbye

Amanda Cortes, Staff Writer
August 18, 2023
Utilizing a hobby—like journaling—have the potential to help an individual cope through grief. Although death is daunting to acknowledge and cope through, it is part of the nature of life.

Across the rainbow bridge

Grace Na, Editor-in-Chief
August 18, 2023
The United States (U.S) Supreme Court put an end to affirmative action on Thursday, July 19. However, affirmative action is crucial for minorities to receive a fair application process.

Reaffirm Affirmative Action

Grace Na, Editor-in-Chief
July 13, 2023
On April 12, Bonita Vista High (BVH) students gathered around the main office waiting to be called out so they can leave campus. Students are frantically trying to get a hold of their parents as they wait for them to get to BVH.

BVH experiences school shooter threat

Grace Na, Managing Editor
April 12, 2023
BVH through the decades

BVH through the decades

Grace Na, Managing Editor
March 15, 2023
Bonita Vista High (BVH) alumni Guido Knudson is featured in BVH's 2007 yearbook on the varsity boys baseball team page. Knudson pursued his career in baseball after high school by being a part of  Major League Baseball’s (MLB) Detroit Tigers team.

Dreams do come true

Grace Na, Managing Editor
March 2, 2023
At Montgomery High on Jan. 28, Bonita Vista High (BVH) competes in Montgomery High’s Eighth Annual Tournament for Robotics. BVH’s team 751D works together to repair their robot following their first match.

The ultimate match

Grace Na, Managing editor
February 5, 2023
On Jan. 19 at Bonita Vista High (BVH), seniors stand in line as they wait for the windows to open to receive their Gradnite ticket. Students are expected to have a signed permission slip, an ID, and money coming to the register.

Walt-z to Disneyland

Grace Na, Managing Editor
February 1, 2023
On November 28, Attendance coordinator Antonio Gutierrez updates the daily attendance sheet as part of his many tasks as attendance coordinator.

A practical change

Grace Na, Managing Editor
January 16, 2023
Athletes Speak

Athletes Speak

Grace Na, Managing Editor
January 15, 2023
In the recent years, people part of the LGBTQ+ are now having their taking health care taken away from them. This is done through legislations and laws.

A detriment for millions

Grace Na, Managing Editor
December 22, 2022
Taking part of a hobby is crucial to relaxing in a busy schedule. Hobbies allow busy students to take cool down and help to prevent getting burnt out from school work.

Breaking the cycle

Grace Na, Managing Editor
November 11, 2022
"Hello Ssangmundong"

“Hello Ssangmundong”

Grace Na, Opinion Editor
July 16, 2022
 Former co-Editor-in-Chief Laurinne Eugenio (front) and former Managing Editor Yealin Lee (back) looks at the newspapers and the first place ribbon the Crusader received. Despite coming back from distance learning, the Crusader faced challenges for the publication to have high quality content.

“Hard work does pay off”

Grace Na, Opinion Editor
July 15, 2022
On April 27, IB Dance students are seen in second period IB dance not wearing their masks as it is not required anymore. However, they are working on assignments for their IB Dance class on their "Mental Health Day."

Farewell masks

Grace Na, Opinion Editor
May 17, 2022
As time passes, a day will come where BVH students will have to part with their families. Students should cherish the memories with their family members and spend quality time with them.

Time with family is crucial

Grace Na, Opinion Editor
May 8, 2022
It has been observed by students that there has been a recent increase in the consumption of matcha from the influence of social media. 14.3% of students at BVH often purchase matcha products.

Matcha Culture

Grace Na, Opinion Editor
March 10, 2022
After years of training and dedication, athletes commit to play for colleges, as seen with four BVH soccer players. Committing is an achievement student athletes work for so they can continue to play the sport of their choice.

College-bound athletes

Grace Na, Opinion Editor
February 10, 2022
Various sports and extracurriculars utilize
the soccer field after school due to the
construction taking place at the football
field. The portable lights active once the
sun goes down.

[Photo] No field, no lights

Isabella Garcia, Sports Copy Editor
December 11, 2021
Transfer student and senior Mayah Cerecer, was overwhelmed with emotions as the faces around her started becoming distorted.

[Photo] Life as a new student

Mayah Cerecer, Opinion Copy Editor
October 13, 2021
Senior Leah Sides modeling the rainbow colored cord she will be wearing to graduation. Sides is ecstatic that she has been given this opportunity.

Diversity through inclusivity

Grace Na, Staff Writer
June 13, 2021
An analysis released by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, anti-Asian hate crimes have increased by about 150 percent in 2020. More recent hate crimes have sparked the Stop Asian Hate Movement.

I am not a virus

Grace Na, Staff Writer
April 28, 2021
Freshmen Grace Na in her childhood apartment in 2015 when she was still living in South Korea.

The little things

Grace Na, Staff Writer
April 4, 2021
Associated Student Body (ASB) Sports Commissioner Collin Murphy clears two BVH athletes on Feb. 26. Several tables are set up with ASB Sports Commissioners to clear athletes for upcoming practices.

Getting back in the game

Grace Na, Staff Writer
March 7, 2021
Senior Francez Acueza looks out from the window of the Amtrak she took to Seattle, Washington. Acueza hopes to live in the city, Seattle, in the future.

A trip down memory lane

Grace Na, Staff Writer
January 6, 2021
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